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  Nr. 4188 de joi, 20 martie 2008 
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Velvet counterrevolution
For various, serious, scandalous or ridiculous reasons, the press together with civil society and political parties turned the uninominal vote project into what we have now got: a law that seems to satisfy everybody, but in fact causes much apprehension. But let's conclude that by passing a uninominal vote system, even if an imperfect one, Romania has made some progress. The elected will be mainly chosen by the communities they are part of so that they would dedicate...   (26 afisari)
Businessman player
It is by a mirror effect that Traian Basescu's domination over the political class risks effecting on economy now, this time with businessman Dinu Patriciu getting to act the player's part. Although he has never avoided polemics, Dinu Patriciu, the first Romanian to reach as high as the top 500 richest people in the world, proved his ambition yesterday. Just like President Basescu does in politics, Dinu Patriciu is autoritatively dominating the business field. Since he...   (23 afisari)
Abnormal alliances
The collaboration the main political parties, that is the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), will proceed to after the parliamentary elections will be one emerging from compromise, given the ideological differences and some leaders' pride. Fundamental topics such as fiscal policy, economic measures for social protection, property, the unmasking of the agents of the ex Communist Secret Service in Romania...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu signed a government decision giving himself some hundred thousand Euro from the state budget for nothing. Automotive Trading Services is a company having the Romanian PM as shareholder and the company is listed in the government decision providing extra funds for the owners of houses to be demolished so that a road surrounding Bucharest would be built. It is just that the 501 square meters the government wanted to pay this company...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Patriarch blesses priests to become observers in Parliament
The Romanian Orthodox Church is interested in the local administration, but it is also taking one step closer to the Parliament. His Holiness Daniel, a Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, has consented to the proposal that Orthodox priests should become observers in the Parliament of Romania. Priests are also allowed to run as candidates in this year's local elections for posts such as a district or local...   (17 afisari)
World Bank estimates bankruptcy of new RENEL
The World Bank is not supporting the project to establish a new national energy company, for such an institution would jeopardize the national energy system's competitiveness and transparency, as argued by Doina Visan, the World Bank representative to Romania. The WB official also claimed that the Nuclearelectrica, the Hidroelectrica and the plant in Tarnita should continue under state control. Moreover, she advised Romania to learn...   (33 afisari)
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