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  Nr. 4187 de miercuri, 19 martie 2008 
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Why is the PNL-PSD alliance abnormal?
Slowly and stealthily in order to keep it away from the elector's eye, the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) are about to make a true alliance, plotted some time ago. There has been much backstage work to make Dinu Patriciu's dream come true. The first thing the PNL needed was to break up with the PD (Democrat Party). Given Calin Popescu Tariceanu's changing mind, the notes written by Elena Udrea, the demonization of...   (35 afisari)
Defense minister: Romania has got great expectations from NATO summit
The Romanian defense minister Teodor Melescanu commented yesterday that Romania had great expectations from the approaching NATO summit, especially in terms of enlargement and partnerships: ''I am confidant that the summit in Bucharest will be an important step in the Alliance's evolution. As host, Romania has got great expectations concerning the making of some decisions, especially on the Alliance's enlargement and the...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Lottery for Dan Voiculescu
Dan Voiculescu, an honorary president of the PC (Conservative Party), wants to grab business such as the ''Video Lottery'' program and the ''Pariloto''. Electronic games and gambling produce lots of million Euro a year, most of it coming from lottery jackpots. The Romanian Lottery officials want to do away with the 10-year contracts with the Greek companies Intracom and Intrelot.
The Lottery president Liliana Ghervasuc, also a vice president of the...   (37 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President not to visit Snakes Island
Nikolai Serdiuk, a governor of Odessa region, stated early this week that the Presidents of Ukraine and Romania would pay a visit to Snakes Island (Insula Serpilor) in mid June, claiming this was 99,9% confirmed.
But Valeru Turcan, a spokesman for the President of Romania Traian Basescu, came out yesterday to announce that on the President's agenda schedule there was no such visit.(...)
It is to be briefly mentioned that the...   (33 afisari)
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