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  Nr. 4185 de luni, 17 martie 2008 
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Traian Basescu's three messages
-- It was not a nervous outburst of the "Filthy gypsy!" kind. It was neither a slip of the tongue followed by roars of laughters of the "Pussy!" kind. It was a cold-blooded, perfectly pre-established assail.
Because of his authoritative gene, Traian Basescu is not fond of criticism. He loves being loved. And the press or rather an important "part of it" can't stand Traian Basescu ever since his split with Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Things are simple, for it...   (25 afisari)
President pours gas on press fire
The President of Romania Traian Basescu came out once again to reiterate what he had said last Friday. He told the mayors attending the general reunion of Romanian Cities Association that "the masters of Euro machines" were after monopoly on state institutions.
After delivering a speech the President started to talk to the mayors. One of the latter congratulated him for what he had said about the media groups one day before, after returning from...   (26 afisari)
Adrian Nastase threatens to address ECHR against Constitutional Court
Adrian Nastase, a leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), was very critical of Ioan Vida, the President of the Constitutional Court in Romania, claiming the latter is obeying orders from the President of Romania Traian Basescu, thus contributing to the elimination of his adversaries. The ex PM was much disturbed by Ioan Vida's interview for ZIUA, when he argued that there was no need for parliamentary consent to the...   (20 afisari)
March 15 as Magyar leaders' electoral day
Several localities in 7 Romanian districts celebrated the day of Magyars worldwide last Saturday. But it was actually an opportunity for the Magyars' political leaders to develop upon an issue such as the autonomy of the Secui (Magyar minority in Transylvania) County. The New Right organization in Cluj demonstrated against autonomy the very same day.
The ceremonies commemorating the heroes of the 1848 revolution were held in a few cities by collaboration...   (27 afisari)
A minister for our good sleep
Liberal Varujan Vosganian, Romania's economy and finance minister, promised that, as long as he was a minister, no new fees would be settled and no taxes would be raised. He told the press representatives to be calm for "the minister is watching", a promotional message used in the National Investment Fund in 2000 too.
After returning from the European Council reunion in Brussels last week, the minister urged: "There is no fee waiting for you as long as...   (23 afisari)
Ford effect
The opening of a Ford branch in Romania is attracting more investors in the car field and two more powerful companies are getting ready for business in this country. Teodor Atanasiu, a president of the AVAS (Authority for State Assets Recovery), said it yesterday. He announced in press conference: "I want to make a point. The opening of a Ford branch in Craiova means more investors for the Romanian car industry. They are looking for production spaces and lands with...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Lottery ticks
Millions of Euro from the money Romanians spend on lottery leak via programs such as "Video Lottery" and "Pariloto" to companies owned by some Greeks. In 2003 the Intracom SA Hellenic Telecommunications and Electronics Industry together with the Intralot Intregrated Lottery Sistems and Services signed 10-year contracts with Nicolae Cristea, the ex president of the Romanian Lottery. The contracts were clasified as secret and kept away even from the checks by the Court...   (31 afisari)
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