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  Nr. 4183 de vineri, 14 martie 2008 
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The school teaching one to do evil
I don't know what other people feel, but I got the shivers when reading in three successive editions of "Romanian libera" daily the confessions of a former prosecutor, unveiling that before 1989 no prosecutor would be promoted unless he got training in the school belonging to the Securitate (Communist Secret Service). In this institution situated in Bran they would be taught to make up proves, to blackmail judges and lawyers, to pretend not to notice...   (25 afisari)
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Criminal Magyar Party
The Civic Magyar Party in Romania, a group pleading for the territorial autonomy of the so-called Secui (Magyar minority in Transylvania) County, is these days trying to get officially registered as party by using gross fakes. On the list of signatures belonging to people supposed to agree to the making of this party there are many Romanians who are now denying having ever signed to consent that the Civic Magyar Party become official.
ZIUA journalists...   (29 afisari)
Liberals defy Parliament
The leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) asked yesterday that the government be dismissed for the presidents of district councils in the country would not be elected by the uninominal vote means. The Social-Democrats are accusing that last Wednesday the Liberals hurried to release a government decision on local elections that does not settle the direct election of district council presidents. According to the PSD, the Romanian government made use...   (23 afisari)
Elections cost more
Last Wednesday the Romanian government released decision on the costs of the preparations and organization of elections for the authorities of local public administration. The fund settled for it is 66 million RON. It is to be reminded that for the 2004 local elections the Nastase Cabinet had provided 323, 74 billion ROL, meaning a half of what the Tariceanu Cabinet is now supplying for the scrutiny in June 2008.
The fund is to be distributed as follows:...   (14 afisari)
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Bucharest Zoo to survive
After visiting the park yesterday, Romania's environment minister Attila Korodi said the Bucharest Zoo would not be closed. He even added that investments would follow so that the EU standards would be met by summer and the zoo would be authorized for the next 5 years at least. The minister mentioned several corrections were needed, especially in the bear area.
It is to be reminded that just a few days before the same minister had announced the Bucharest...   (19 afisari)
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