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  Nr. 4179 de luni, 10 martie 2008 
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Whom does the crucifixion of Serbia serve?
Serbia lost Kosovo for good last Saturday at 8 in the morning, when Vojislav Kostunica announced his resignation. The Serbian PM had to admit that some government members together with President Boris Tadic started to change their mind about defending the nation's sovereign territory. Kosovo is no longer Serbia, politicians seem to admit, still hopeful about the 'European future' of that piece of land left of the ex Yugoslavia. What will there...   (38 afisari)
Night of negotiations
Last Friday night the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu met with Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase to make plans for a common political future in the absence of Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). The Social-Democrats assured the PM that his Cabinet wouldn't collapse by means of a bill against it, parliamentary sources claim. Apart from the PM, Ludovic Orban and Dan Motreanu are the other two Liberals who attended this meeting.
According...   (22 afisari)
Liberal Ludovic Orban to run for Bucharest City Hall
There has been officially announced that Romania's transport minister Ludovic Orban will be the PNL (National Liberal Party) candidate to run for Bucharest City Hall. The officials announced such intention several times, but this is the first time he has announced he has been elected a candidate to represent Romanian Liberals.
During a talk show on Realitatea TV station yesterday Ludovic Orban claimed he was very confident...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Urban development seized with mess
The Extraordinary National Council of the AOR (Order of Romanian Architects) adoped a declaration last week in Cluj-Napoca, warning about the severe state of urbanism in Romania, Mediafax Agency reports. According to Serban Sturdza, a president of the AOR, urbanism is in a very severe state and it needs urgent measures, even some of legislative nature. The declaration unveils some flaws leading Romanian cities on an anti-European path.
"There...   (22 afisari)
Electronic component producers take interest in Romania
Romania is now a target for companies producing electronic components, according to a survey in Central and Eastern Europe by the Technology Forecasters Inc. It is not at all surprising that Romania's significant advantage is the low cost of labor force. A qualified worker earned about $ 5,000 in 2005, whereas one in Germany gained about $ 30,000.
Romania came second, after Ukraine, in the top of countries preferred...   (26 afisari)
Prognosis foresees future
The CNP (National Committee for Prognosis) has released the preliminary version of the short-term Spring Prognosis, according to which in 2008 inflation will reach 5,4%, economy growth will be up to 6,5% and 1 Euro will equate 3,55 RON on an average.
According to the estimation, Romania's commercial deficit will reach 18,4% of the GDP this year, just as in 2007. But unlike in the previous years, the advance of export is estimated to 17,4% and it...   (20 afisari)
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