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  Nr. 4178 de sambata, 8 martie 2008 
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Will Tariceanu bite Basescu's bait?
So Traian Basescu attended the Public Ministry meeting on conclusions about the 2007 activity. As for Calin Popescu Tariceanu, last week he paid a courtly visit to the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy), posing while shoulder to shoulder with Lidia Barbulescu, still going there when Laura Kovesi didn't attend, as she wouldn't honor him. But Traian Basescu had Mrs. General Attorney of Romania on his right side. Let me just add that, when attending...   (23 afisari)
Lord of War caught due to help from Romania
Viktor Bout, the world's greatest arms dealer, was caught in Thailand, due to help from Romanian authorities. Bout's life and activity attracted film producers and he turned into a hero for the "Lord of War", with Nicholas Cage playing the leading part.
The Romanian customs police had a decisive contribution to the this event. Viktor Bout was being searched by the Interpol because of breaking UN embargos on gun trade in several states. He was...   (89 afisari)
Bucharest in Cannes real estate fair
It is the first time that Bucharest is going to be promoted in the Cannes real estate fair in order to attract investors in the field. Adriean Videanu, a general mayor of Bucharest, announced yesterday that Bucharest City Hall would display its major projects, as well as the urban development projects in public-private partnership. The Bucharest stand is therefore going to display the City Hall projects and those authored by the 7 partner companies in...   (98 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanians trust King Mihai
King Mihai seems to strike back in the hearts of Romanians. According to an IMAS poll accomplished last month, the King of Romania comes fourth in the list of the most trusted Romanians, due to a 22,6% score. The most trusted Romanians are: Traian Basescu (45%), Theodor Stolojan (29%) and Gigi Becali (23%).
One reason why His Majesty has reached the top is his perseverence in promoting Romania's interests, even in the difficult years spent in exile....   (24 afisari)
PSD-PNL 'engagement' announced
Gheorghe Flutur, a vice president of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), has claimed having information about an alliance between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PNL (National-Liberal Party) being plotted by Adrian Nastase, Viorel Hrebenciuc and Crin Antonescu."There is being plotted the great betrayal of the Liberal electorate", Gheorghe Flutur comments.
According to the PD-L official, they are getting ready to sign the "PNL-PSD engagement...   (16 afisari)
President pleads for uninominal vote system
According to the President of Romania Traian Basescu, the Constitutional Court will pass the new uninominal vote law, despite the flaws in it. He commented as follows: "Until the Constitutional Court judges decide on it, as a man reading the Constitution before moving a finger, I can tell you that this law is constitutional."
The President claimed there was no reason for the Greater Romania Party and the Conservatives to be against...   (17 afisari)
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