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  Nr. 4175 de miercuri, 5 martie 2008 
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Defiance of canons
At the end of last week there was released the letter Patriarch Daniel had received from Bishop Bartolomeu in February 18, mentioning the inclusion of one more paragraph in Article 26 in the Status of the Church, "a paragraph not present in the final version, approved of by the Holy Synod." Therefore the Bishop was demanding the Patriarch "to identify the author" of it, eliminate the paragraph at stake and publish the modification in The Official Monitor as soon as...   (29 afisari)
Russian scarecrow
"The Moldovan Republic must be at good terms with Romania. We are neighbors. Romania won't disppear from the map of the world and the Moldovan Republic will neither. As for myself, I am for good terms with the neighbors. We must forget about all the misunderstandings we had, some of them for historical reasons. " So the Moldovan President Vladimir voronin is trying to get closer to the Romanian President Traian Basescu for fear of Vladimir Putin and out of his wish that...   (50 afisari)
National Integrity Agency makes PNL part with UDMR
The latest ordinance on the ANI (National Integrity Agency) has split the coalition between the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania). The UDMR member Peter Eckstein Kovacs resigned as president of senators' juridical committee in order to take distance from the UDMR view on matters related to the reform of Romanian Justice. Although representatives of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the UDMR...   (50 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Parliament dismisses Gojdu ordinance
Romanian senators dismissed last Monday the Emergency Ordinance on the ratification of the Agreement meant to establish the "Gojdu" Public Romanian-Hungarian Foundation. Its patrimony was to consist in the properties once belonging to the famous Romanian jurist Emanuil Gojdu. The law draft on the dismissal of this document passed due to positive votes from 89 senators.
According to the agreement the Romanian and Hungarian governments signed...   (18 afisari)
Criminal complaint against PM
The PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) announced yesterday the intention to write a criminal complaint against the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, given the latter official's disobedience to the Parliament's decision that the car matriculation fee should be done away with.
"By ignoring to apply it, the PM is committing abuse at work", Cristian Radulescu said. According to the PD-L, the PM is breaking Article 246 and 248 in the Criminal Code,...   (19 afisari)
Romania on the rise
After Ford settles in the car factory in Craiova, Romania, the latter country will become the greatest car producer in Eastern and Central Europe. The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu expressed this opinion yesterday in the Geneva showroom. He added his efforts would be focusing on this aim and he also mentioned that some more 7-9,000 employees could be hired to work for the factory in Craoiva.
After talking to the Ford Group representatives, the PM...   (21 afisari)
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