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  Nr. 4174 de marti, 4 martie 2008 
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NATO in Afghanistan: inability or curse?
-- Send more troops! Send more and more troops! Send as many troops as possible! It isn't enough anyway! This is the chronological succession of the US messages to their NATO allies involved in the military mission in Afghanistan.
43, 250 soldiers are now in Afghanistan, accompanied by the latest generation conventional equipment and top NATO logistics, highly sophisticated communication and electronic detection systems, as well as systems for monitoring...   (19 afisari)
Romanian President lobbies for Gaz de France
During yesterday's meeting with the President of Turkey Abdullah Gul, the President of Romania Traian Basescu insisted that Gaz de France should be part of the Nabucco project. The Romanian President promised to support Turkey's accession to the EU. President Gul was rather reticent and he just mentioned: "The Nabucco project is important to us. We hope it will be achieved as soon as possible. We are open to this project."
The Romanian President...   (28 afisari)
Council of Europe dismisses "concept of nation"
The Kosovo independence is now turning against the autonomy seekers in Romania: The Commitee of Ministers in the Council of Europe replied to the Parliamentary Assembly, doing away with Recommendation 1735, promoted by Gyorgy Frunda.
Upon the latter's request, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed at the end of January 2006 Recommendation 1735, "The Concept of Nation", meant to support the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars...   (26 afisari)
White death haulers
Drug dealears have found new means to carry narcotics without arresting attention. International network heads have lately got to make use of haulers recruited from several states, Romania included. When they are caught carrying drugs, they can't give too much information to help authorities annihilate the group because they know almost nothing. They are recruited by intermediary persons. Romanian haulers are recruited either in the country or in the states they go...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Spring unfreezes Vladimir Voronin
The Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin said in a recent TV interview cited by the BBC-Romania that the Moldovan Republic had to be in good terms with Romania. This is the first time in a whole year that President Voronin has mentioned the need to improve relations with Bucharest officials, marred by much strain in 2007.
The head of the Moldovan state argued as follows: " The Moldovan Republic has to be in good terms with Romania, we are neighbours....   (24 afisari)
PM cuts his own odds
According to governmental sources, the deficit of the general consolidated budget is to be diminished with 0,4% of the GDP due to a budget correction to be operated this month. But Romania's economy minister Varujan Vosganian claims the cut will actually be 1,1, billion Euro, meaning 0,8% of the GDP.
The government is going to leave almost every ministry without 787 million Euro, because of this year's first budget correction. The most substantial cuts...   (14 afisari)
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