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  Nr. 4171 de vineri, 29 februarie 2008 
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Patriarchal dictatorship
"God has got a lot of humour", Father Rafail Noica said. And Romanians are in the habit of taking the change of masters for madmen's joy. After His Holiness Daniel was elected a Patriarch of Romania, such words have proved as true as never before. He was waited for in Bucharest due to his ecumenism and his 'openness' to the so-called civil society, who wants the National Church to part with tradition. . The first major measure taken by the new Patriarch has been...   (52 afisari)
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Patriarch Daniel's control
The Romanian Patriarch is getting ready to fetch personal dictatorship over the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR). A modification operated on the BOR Status, which the Holy Synod ignored, allows His Holiness Daniel to control all the monsteries in and cloisters in Romania, although there is a fundamental ecclesial Orthodox principle. According to which it is the bishop in power who administers a monastery. By adding one more paragraph to Article 26 in the...   (24 afisari)
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Prince Radu to quit
Prince Radu of Hohenzollern-Veringen announced yesterday that he would quit his position as the Romanian government's special representative for EU integration, in which he had been appointed in September 2002.
The Prince mentioned that, together with the Royal Family, he would continue to help Romania by other means. When asked if he was going to get involved in this year's electoral campaign and if he was considering keeping position under a different...   (21 afisari)
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Romanians' state of health is problematic
Most Romanians think they are healthy, but an analysis of the national program to evaluate the state of health, which started half a year ago, shows that 40% of those who were examined by their family doctors this while risk getting a disease. Romania's health minister Eugen Nicolaescu announced it yesterday.
According to the 2007 Barometer of health services, elaborated by the Health Policy Center, 44,6% of Romanians say they are in...   (14 afisari)
Warning from William Branza
The Democrat-Liberal deputy William Branza is warning Romanian authorities that Romanian criminals in Italy are heading Spain these days because of the permissive legislation, which could harm the Romanian community's image in this state.
The deputy explained by press release: "Each and every month 10,000 Romanians flee Italy to find shelter in Spain. Unfortunately, some of them don't do there for work and they thus jeopardize the situation...   (31 afisari)
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