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  Nr. 4170 de joi, 28 februarie 2008 
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PSD seized with tough battles
Just like every Monday, after the leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) gather together for meeting, Mircea Geoana announced the mob that he was starting the war. This time the battle is about early elections. In one week's time Adrian Nastase, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Cristian Dragnea and Vasile Dancu are to come up with a calendar on early elections and the effects of it, as well as with the strategy to be used. Mircea Geoana said the bill against the Cabinet...   (24 afisari)
CNSAS to open doors
The meetings in which the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decides whether a person collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) or not are open to the public. This is the norm included the government's ordinance draft, released for debate yesterday. The project is meant to provide a regulation on the activity of the CNSAS and on the access to the records belonging to the Communist secret services....   (22 afisari)
Ford ignores EU
Yesterday the European Commission reached verdict on the privatization of the Romanian company Automobile Craiova with the US Ford: Romania gave the Americans illegal help of 27 million Euro. Even if both the Romanians and the Americans dislike the Brussels decisions, Ford has announced the company isn't giving up plans in Romania.
According to the European Commission, Romania put up with a smaller price for sale in exchange for a certain production quantity and labor...   (28 afisari)
Romanian wages, European prices
The buyer power and the standards of life in Romania have been significantly lowering. This is the conclusion of an analysis authored by the JP Morgan investment bank. Data from the BNR (National Bank of Romania) claims the same.
The recent survey by the JP Morgan has concluded Romanians lead a poor life, as compared to the other Europeans. In Romania wages are small and prices are large, therefore both the buyer power and the standards of life are down....   (44 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Abuse by Adrian Nastase
Right after strking back in a top position over the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), the ex PM persuaded his party colleagues in the Chamber of Deputies into voting for a modification in the Criminal Procedure Code, which is very dangerous for the judicial system, but perfect for his present status as person under criminal inquiry.
According to the PSD deputy Valer Dorneanu, the authors of the proposal meant to allow the lawyers of people charged to participate...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Leaks for STS
The luxurious headquarters of the STS (Special Telecommunications Department) may collapse because of water leaking in the phreatic layer. The building cost 15 million Euro and it was conceived of 10 years ago. The Aedificia Carpati Company disregarded the features of this piece of land situated next to the Ciurel dam. Water is now leaking in all the building corners and the resistence structure has been harmed. Because of this the STS headquarters failed to meet...   (30 afisari)
A r h i v a
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