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  Nr. 4169 de miercuri, 27 februarie 2008 
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In electoral mood
I think we have a problem when analyses by an union are better grounded and more realistic than those the government provides to taxpayers. And the problem is not the unions, but the government. Instead of the classical pattern with unions always making claims and ministers doing their best to resist pressure, in Romania ruled by Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Paul Pacuraru the government has been making lively promises and unions are now worried that such promises aren't...   (27 afisari)
European Commission asks Bucharest for clarifications in CIA flights
According to BBC Romania, the European Commission is waiting for Bucharest authorities to provide details on the investigations concerning the alledged CIA flights carrying terrorist suspects, supposed to have crossed Romania. The Romanian Ministry of Justice was reached by a letter from EU Commissioner Franco Frattini.
The Washington Post reported two days ago that a Romanian official who wouldn't unveil his name had...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
PM may recommend someone else for Justice
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu may recommend someone else should be appointed a minister of justice. According to Liberal sources, the PM may be delaying his choices for future ministers to head the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense so that interim minister Teodor Melescanu would rule over the former ministry for another 45 days and continue as a minister of defense too till after the NATO summit, due in Bucharest...   (17 afisari)
BNR governor warns government
The fiscal policy's quality is one of Romania's weak points, mainly because of the destination of expenses, said Mugur Isarescu, a governor of the BNR (National Bank of Romania), yesterday. He also explained that, in an economy undergoing rapid growth, large expenses meant pouring gas on fire.
When asked if a fiscal relaxation was to be expected for 2008, the BNR governor answered it was not an option "on any account." He argued: "This would...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Pension lie
The government has produced calculations on the pension raise just for 2008, any electoral year. Except for this, the figures are unrealistically exaggerated, having got nothing to do with the information sent to the European Commission by the Tariceanu Cabinet. This is the conclusion proved by the BNS (National Union Federation) on grounds of the estimation authored by the Romanian Ministry of Finance.
The government underestimated the number of elderly Romanians...   (17 afisari)
Government in trouble because of car fee
The PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) released yesterday the bill against the government called "Give the money back, Tariceanu". The party is asking that the Cabinet be dismissed for not meeting the demands of the simple bill on the car fee, as adopted by Romanian deputies. "This is not the first time this government has ignored the Parliament's voice" is written in the bill.
The fact that the government wouldn't do away with this fee...   (22 afisari)
PIN wants culture minister suspended
Lavinia Sandru, a vice president of the PIN (National Initiative Party) addressed the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) yesterday, asking that the institution should demand the President of Romania Traian Basescu to suspend Liberal Adrian Iorgulescu, a Romanian minister of culture, for having wasted the funds meant for promoting Romania's image.
The action comes after a complaint against the minister by state councilor Marius Marian...   (15 afisari)
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