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  Nr. 4168 de marti, 26 februarie 2008 
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Post-Kosovo scenario: episode II
The main question we are supposed to answer is whether presidency adviser Constantin Degeratu was right to say Romania's view on Kosovo might change, depending on the new international context, or not. Maybe a few weeks earlier, the answer can unveil a very interesting scenario. Once carried out, it would consacrate at UN level too what is now going on at diplomacy level: fast recognition of the Kosovo Republic by a significant part of the world's states....   (44 afisari)
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UDMR: We don't enjoy all rights
The representatives of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) denied yesterday the statement made by the President of Romania Traian Basescu while in Covasna, pointing to the fact that the minorities in Romania enjoyed all rights. Deputy Tamas Sandor expressed disagreement with the head of state, claiming Romania met all political standards concerning minorities. The deputy argued the Magyars didn't enjoy all rights in Romania. (...)
According...   (26 afisari)
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Environment Protection is deadlocked
Political interests have deadlocked the state's control over environment polluters. While the Tariceanu Cabinet is insisting to cash the car matriculation fee in order "to protect the atmosphere", the GNM (National Environment Protection Office) is unfunctional. Comissioners may no longer give fines because fines are illegal. Liberal Octavian Popa, the new president of the GNM, chased political enemies at all costs. He hastily initiated emergency...   (27 afisari)
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PM scolds ministers
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu scolded ministers Cristian Adomnitei, Cristian David and Paul Dobre yesterday, right after rebuking the labor minister Paul Pacuraru. According to sources invoked by the NewsIn, the PM reproached the above-mentioned ministers for poor activity.
The Romanian education minister Cristian Adomnitei was reproached for having failed to negotiate on the set of laws with the parliamentary parties so that the MPs would vote...   (18 afisari)
Plot against PSD leader
Most vice presidents of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) are considering two possible plans to stop the party president Mircea Geoana from harming the group: either an extraordinary congress to follow after the local elections or censoring of Mircea Geoana's actions. According to PSD sources, right now it is the Ion Iliescu-Adrian Nastase tandem who is ruling the party and the sack for Mircea Geoana is just a matter of time.
"The great satisfaction...   (23 afisari)
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