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  Nr. 4166 de sambata, 23 februarie 2008 
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Romania under Kosovo pressure
It has been less than 2 years since this very daily published a very long interview of mine with parson Laszlo Tokes, now a Romanian MEP in Brussels. At that time he said something amazing. Had our politicians proved the slighest professionalism, they should have reacted at once, just like the intelligence services told to aim the protection of Romania against domestic and foreign threats.
Laszlo Tokes was pleading for the Palestinian "territories for...   (121 afisari)
Ion Iliescu sets Adrian Nastase going
"Patriarch Iliescu", as some members of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) call him, settled the strain the party was seized with by proposing during yesterday's reunion of the PSD National Council that the one to lose in the competition for leadership over this structure should reach the Permanent Committee. Therefore no matter the results, Adrian Nastase will strike back and be a PSD leader again. The party president Mircea Geoana agreed to the proposal,...   (29 afisari)
Government wouldn't pay car fee back
In the Memorandum the Romanian government provided to the European Commission there is mentioned explicitly that the government does not intend to return the money cashed so far, except for final and irrevocable decisions reached by courts, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) claims.
In spite of the documents authored by the Chamber of Deputies, demanding the government to pay back the car fees cashed so far, the Memoransum specifies that the energency...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President Basescu visits autonomy seekers
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu started his private visit to Covasna, Romania. He is to stay in a state-owned villa there, together with his wife. The couple may spend one week in the town, says the manager of a hotel close to the villa.
Gazda Zoltan, a leader of the Civic Magyar Union in Sfantu Gheorghe, has said it at once that this is a "message of support for the Magyars' claims", meaning for the county's autonomy.
He...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Villa in the forest
The forests surrounding Romanian cities and towns will soon go extinct. The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) modified the Forest Code so that the well off can build themselves houses in the heart of forests.
Given a proposal belonging to 8 PSD deputies, in the future a villa may be allowed to have 500 square meters. It is to be mentioned that initiators Ion Dumitru, Ioan Munteanu, Filip Georgescu, Vasile Mocanu, Ioan Stan, Ioan Mocioalca, Liviu Timar and Constantin...   (24 afisari)
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