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  Nr. 4163 de miercuri, 20 februarie 2008 
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Gas and blackmail
These are the days of a relentless battle over natural gas banks. Seemingly, the sides in opposition aren't overtly interested in this. But some leak emerges here and there, such as Dinu Patriciu's recent statement on the Romgaz policy, allegedly the reason for the raise of gas price higher than the electorate can bear. According to Dinu Patriciu, Romgaz should have held a bid on natural gas deposits. But when Dinu Patriciu says "gas deposits", he actually means Margineni,...   (39 afisari)
UDMR solution
Ludovic Orban asked the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, also a president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), to drive the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) representatives away from the government, because of their lack of solidarity with the government's decision on the Kosovo case. PNL sources claim Ludovic Orban, a PNL vice president, phoned the PM to ask for it, also arguing that such a decision would have a positive electorate impact on the Liberals'...   (36 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
No diplomacy relations with Prishtina authorities
The President of Romania Traian Basescu announced that there would be no more Romanian troops to reach the separatist province, in spite of Romania's participation in the estimated EU mission there.
The Romanian guards and policemen who were part in the UN KFOR mission are to continue activity within this EU mission, President Basescu informed last Monday. He denied that Romania's military presence in Kosovo meant recognition...   (31 afisari)
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Russian cylinder
Businessman Dinu Patriu wants to grab the underground deposit for gas to be established in Margineni, thus pursuing personal and Gazprom interests. The project is to be carried out together with Romgaz. The Russian giant tried to join the business, but it was turned down.
The deposit's capacity is to be 2,6 billion cube meters and it will alow for the storing of gases at summer and for trading in winter for the sake of fabulous profit.
As he can't buy...   (27 afisari)
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Romanian ambassador awarded Belgium Order of Crown Cross
Ion Jinga, Romania's former ambassador to Belgiun, recently appointed an ambassador in London, paid a visit to the King of Belgium Albert II yesterday in the Laeken Palace, Brussels. The sovereign awarded the Romanian official ending his mission in Belgium with the Belgium Order of the Crown Cross, the highest rank of one of the most important awards in the country, for his contribution to the development of bilateral relations...   (20 afisari)
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Defense minister wants Romanian troops in Chad
The Romanian Senate's defense committee interviewed the Romanian defense minister Teodor Atanasiu yesterday on the idea to send Romanian troops to join the EU mission in Chad. The minister argued this mission was supposed to take one year at most.
The official said Romania was to send 120 soldiers there and France would provide the logistics. Minister Melescanu claimed the Romanian Ministry of Defense was entitled to this, since...   (23 afisari)
Show off budget
The Romanian government is to urgently proceed to a budget correction to cut on the deficit. Unless Romania proves able to avoid the 3% limit of the GDP indicator by March, the European Commission wil start the prevention procedure. It was Romania's economy minister Varujan Vosganian who announced it yesterday.
He mentioned this budget correction and budget deficit cut had to be urgently achieved and he explained that prevention was the first step of the...   (26 afisari)
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