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  Nr. 4159 de vineri, 15 februarie 2008 
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The Liberal version of the Cluj group
Several Liberals in Cluj, headed by vice mayor Adrian Popa, think the PNL (National Liberal Party) is taking distance from genuine liberalism, because of sliding on the social path. They say that, wishing to govern at any costs, the party has left the right center for the left center. According to Adrian Popa and his men, the electoral alms effecting in fiscal measures giving a hard time to entrepreneurs have actually sacrificed the traditional electorate...   (21 afisari)
Spanish strike against Romanian Mafia
The Romanian Police announced yesterday that the international operation against a group of Romanians forging and using credit cards illegally effected in the arrest of 99 persons. According to Madrid officials, the Police and the Spanish civil guard proceeded to operations against several groups of Romanian criminals at work in Spain, arresting a total of 443 people. But it seems the other hundreds of Romanians Spanish authorities claim to have arrested...   (197 afisari)
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His Holiness PM
-- In 1991, the FSN (Front for National Salvation) proposed to man who is now the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church should take over the government, after the coal miners had just deprived Petre Roman of primeministership. "The idea started from the experience of Patriarch Miron Cristea in the interwar era", Ion Iliescu confesses.
The Archbishop of Moldavia asked the Patriarch Teoctist for consent. The latter said it was proof that the party treasured the...   (21 afisari)
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CSAT members meet to talk about NATO summit
The members of the CSAT (Supreme Council of National Defense) are meeting today to talk about the political agenda of the NATO summit due in Bucharest in April. But they are also going to approach the security of the event, Presidency Administration announces.
Official sources cited by Mediafax Agency claimed yesterday that chair Traian Basescu hadn't announced intention to analyze the Romanian PM's proposal to send 120 Romanian soldiers...   (18 afisari)
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Romania's strategic planes at deadlock
The strategic transport fleet belonging to the Romanian Ministry of Defense is at deadlock. Only 1 of the 5 C-130 Harcules aircrafts is still functional. This is why the calendar of replacing the Romanian soldiers in Iraq has faced difficulties.
Claiming that details on transport of staff to battlefields (number of aircrafts, their condition and so on) mean classified information, the Ministry wouldn't provide us with official details....   (15 afisari)
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European Court of Justice may be addressed against Romania
The European Court of Justice may be addressed against Romania because of the car fee unless the Parliaments passes a law draft in keeping with the EU legislation as soon as possible, a European Commission representative tells the NewsIn.
The member who wouldn't disclose his identity comments that the European Commission may not comment until then and he adds the Commission will decide to proceed to the third infringement...   (47 afisari)
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Foreign minister takes no interest in Romanians in Ukraine
Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu said after yesterday's meeting with the Ukrainian foreign minister Volodomir Orizko that the matters related to Snakes Island were to be "politicized" in no way. He argued: "These are matters for experts. President Yushchenko's visit to Bucharest was a success. We wish the same for the Romanian President's visit to Ukraine."
As for the Romanian minority in Ukraine, minister...   (27 afisari)
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