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  Nr. 4156 de marti, 12 februarie 2008 
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Waste, ecology and Romania
-- Do not build yourself a house on a hill, right below a stream of water or far from water. If you get evacuated, don't forget to take with you the window sills, the doors and the roof tiles. This is the environment textbook for Romanian peasants.
As for those who inhabit cities, problems are different: Fix your heat low, use ecological bulbs, leave your car at home and ride yout bike instead. Don't waste our children's future. These are messages (the latter...   (142 afisari)
Nokia made in Jucu
Yesterday Nokia started the cell phone production in the factory just established in Jucu, a village in the district of Cluj, Romania. The products assembled here are meant for the European market, as well as for Africa and the Middle East. The Nokia vice president Juha Putkiranta, who attended the opening of the factory in Romania, said they chose this new location because there was qualified labor force and the region was close to the outlet areas targeted by the company....   (215 afisari)
Melescanu to head justice, Stroe to head defense
Romanian Liberals decided yesterday to propose that Teodor Melescanu be appointed a minister of justice and Radu Stroe become a minister of defense. The decision was made because there were 12 Liberals to vote against the idea of a "complex" government restructuring. Sources from the PNL (National Liberal Party) say that, if the President of Romania refuses to appoint one of the two Liberals, the party will respond by proposing senator Norica...   (27 afisari)
PSD leader pretends he wants to overthrow government
Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), has expressed a view in opposition to the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, claiming his party will no longer vote for a law authored by the government, because the PSD leader's final target is to have parliamentary elections take place in a different day. But he is enjoying no party support for the early elections he pursues, since all the PSD vice presidents are against...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Offered ministership is no reason for joy to Teodor Melescanu
Teodor Melescanu, a vice president of the PNL (National LIberal Party), mentioned yesterday that the ministership he was being offered was no reason for too much joy and he told his party colleague Radu Stroe that he would have all his support for arranging the NATO summit due in Bucharest in April.
Liberal Teodor Melescanu commented: "Our decision is due to our wish and obligation to end the deadlock in the Ministry...   (14 afisari)
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Vladimir Putin may attend NATO summit in Bucharest
According to the Russian PM Serghei Ivanov, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin may attend the NATO summit due in Bucharest in April 2-4, 2008, for one issue on the agenda is the candidacy of Georgia and Ukraine to NATO membership.
The above-mentioned Russian PM attended last week's security conference in Munich and he expressed his lack of understanding about the two ex Soviet republics' possible accession...   (30 afisari)
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Secret decrees
The Institute for Research on Communist Crimes released 69 laws kept far from the working class by Nicolae Ceausescu and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.
The laws were never printed in the Official Bulletin of the Socialist Republic of Romania. The documents settled the oppressive system, the bonuses and privileges of the nomenclature staff, the activists, the under cover agents and collaborators of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania).
One such...   (27 afisari)
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