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  Nr. 4153 de vineri, 8 februarie 2008 
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Political parties' shareholders
Pension thieves is our front page topic continued in today's edition and it is worthy of some more comment. I amjoining our readers debating on it at www.ziua.ro. It is therefore obvious and somehow explainable that in the electoral year the Liberal Cabinet has been using a populist approach, including the raise of pension funds, social allowances for health and unemployment, as it is well known that many retired electors come from a poor background. According...   (19 afisari)
Constitutional Court proves unconstitutional
-- The Norica Nicolai case has unveiled the true face of the judges in the Constitutional Court: they don't want to keep an eye on the respect for the Constitution and they actually pursue to change it depending on political interests and modify laws.
Yesterday the Constitutional Court releasedtwo amazing decisions on the institutional conflicts announced by the President of Romania Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The latter's complaint...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
BNR agent
-- Lacramioara Isarescu made full use of the credit policy settled by her father Mugur Isarescu, a governor of the BNR (National Bank of Romania).
His daughter established a private company joining a vast network of real estate companies during the very fiscal relaxation in 2007. This measure effcted in a credit explosion at once. According to the status of the BNR, board members and officials of the bank are forbidden to represent, directly or indirectly, any interest...   (40 afisari)
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Romanians top list of complaints to ECHR
Because of property return problems Romania tops the list of verdicts reached by the European Court of Human Rights. Horatiu Radu, Romania's governmental agent to the ECHR, said it yesterday when questioned by the Senate's human rights committee on the damages Romania was to pay to the citizens who had complained to the Strasbourg court.
In 2003 Romania came third in terms of number of complaints and fifth in terms of condemnations....   (36 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania signs energy agreements with Greece
-- Varujan Vosganian, Romania's economy and finance minister, and the Greek development minister Christos Folias signed the Agreement between the Romanian Government and the Greek Government yesterday in Victoria Palace, Bucharest.
According to the government's press office, the target is to settle a frame for the development of cooperation in oil, natural gases and electricity, in keeping with national legislation and international obligations....   (33 afisari)
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