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  Nr. 4141 de vineri, 25 ianuarie 2008 
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Conference? No! Carnival? Yes!
Press agencies broke two pieces of news almost at the same time: Romania wasn't invited to attend the World Forum in Davos, but it was invited to the Venice Carnival. It's not bad to pay a lot for sending highbrow representatives to Venice so that we would at least be present in the continent's high brow culture.
But why was there decided to drop Romania's traditional participation at Davos? It is the exact reflection of the international status Romania...   (31 afisari)
Criminal case against Monica Macovei
According to the Romanian general attorney Laura Codruta Kovesi, prosecutors are working on a criminal case against the ex justice minister Monica Macovei, opened because of a criminal complained authored by Tudor Chiuariu, her successor at the Romanian Ministry of Justice. The general attorney also announced yesterday that the inquiry was now in the preliminary documentation stage preceding the start of criminal investigations.
In October 9, 2007,...   (38 afisari)
Booing in the Unification Day
The political parties in Romania proved not at all uneasy with confiscating the National Unification Day. The President of Romania Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu went to Iasi for yesterday's ceremonies and they were welcomed by groups of Democrat-Liberals, Liberals and Social-Democrats coordinated by the local party leaders. Therefore during their speeches they got both cheers and booing, depending on political preferences. But the celebration...   (24 afisari)
Fiscal authorities target fortunes of Israelis in Romania
For some months now the fiscal authorities in Israel have been searching the fortunes of some Israelis doing real estate business in Romania and more East European states. The fiscal detectives ("Mas Hahnasa" in Jewish) have been following the traces of businessmen trading in houses and lands, noticing serious breaks of Israeli laws. The fiscal authorities have drawn a long list with hundreds of people on it, people who didn't pay...   (41 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Norica Nicolai issue up to Constitutional Court
Yesterday the Romanian government addressed the Constitutional Court against the Romanian President's refusal to appoint Liberal senator Norica Nicolai a minister of justice, claiming such a decision was unconstitutional.
According to the press release from the government, the Constitutional Court is asked to admit the existence of a juridical conflict of constitutional nature between the Romanian government and the President...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Green for cheat
President Basescu consented to a law belonging to ex Democrat minister of environment, because of which the state budget lost lots of million Euro. And the President even helped Sulfina Barbu, Romania's ex environment minister, get away with the criminal case against her.
The President wouldn't allow for the start of criminal inquiry against the ex minister, although he had been provided with complex evidence of her serious corruption crimes. The President...   (25 afisari)
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