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  Nr. 4134 de joi, 17 ianuarie 2008 
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A prime minister player
Last year I came up with a scenario on Traian Basescu as PM. It seemed hallucinating. It amazed many people. But it is now visible that the President's actions are in keeping with such an intention. If I am right, Traian Basescu will risk so much that he will set his own mandate on fire. He will sacrifice everything to become a player in the government and take a second step later: the constitutional diminishment of the President's prerogatives and the ensuing...   (31 afisari)
8 Romanian ministers under criminal investigations
Just a few minutes after the Romanian PM asked him for one more meeting on the Norica Nicolai case, the President of Romania Traian Basescu demanded the opening of procedures for criminal inquiry against 8 former and present ministers. The action of Presidency is legal, given the Constitutional Court's decision in November 2007, according to which the President may decide by himself to agree or disagree to the opening of criminal inquiry...   (42 afisari)      1 comentariu
President and PM met again, but in vain
Yesterday the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu talked again to the President of Romania Traian Basescu about Norica Nicolai, a candidate to take over the Ministry of Justice. But the meeting the PM asked for failed to settle the crisis, for neither of the two changed his mind.
President Basescu explained yesterday evening: "The future minister of justice was the main topic. (...) In the end, although each of us has still got his own opinion,...   (26 afisari)
Russian Patriarchy assails Romania
Bishop Mark Egorievsky, representing Moscow Patriarchy, has claimed Romania wants to "absorb" the Moldovan Republic, according to the Kommersant, a Russian daily Rompres Agency cites. Moscow Patriarchy is now irritated because the Metropolitan Church of the latter republic complained to the European Court of Human Rights against authorities' decision to expel 3 priests and 1 nun. Chishinau authorities' anti-Romanian offensive has been going on this week...   (39 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Norica Nicolai claims President is 'the teacher' invoked by Omar Hayssam
Norica Nicolai, a vice president of the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the Romanian PM's choice for a future minister of justice, denied yesterday the accusations concerning her professional career and she also claimed that the 'teacher' invoked in the talks between Syrian businessman Omar Hayssam and prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu was the President of Romania Traian Basescu.
She argued: "The stenograms...   (38 afisari)
President and PM passed test
The President of Romania together with the PM and the political opposition too passed the test last year, given the marks they get from Romanians, according to the opinion poll the CURS drew at the end of 2007.
According to the public opinion in Romania, the marks (1 to 10) look as follows: 6,43 for President Traian Basescu, 5,51 for PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and 5,38 for the opposition.
According to the same research, the Romanians' electoral...   (25 afisari)
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