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  Nr. 4133 de miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2008 
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The President fooled?
From the very beginning we can't do away with the hypothesis according to which Traian Basescu is a victim of his own naivete in the scandal emerging after Omar Hayssam fled. If the head of state was fooled and if he is not the 'teacher', that is the man behind the negotiations with the terrorist, the one who decided the latter could leave the prison and then Romania, we have to admit, whether we like it nor not, that a similar scenario was produced in the 'hostage...   (43 afisari)
A cover called Ioan Talpes
-- Sensational information unveiled by an ex intelligence officer deciphers the dialogue between terrorist Omar Hayssam and prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu. According to clues, the mysterious 'teacher' is Ioan Talpes, formerly a chief of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) and a vice PM, the man who covered the terrorist systematically.
In the phone calls between no. 1 terrorist in Romania Omar Hayssam and prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu, in charge of the case, there...   (57 afisari)
President agrees Teodor Melesanu should be interim justice minister
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu demanded the President of Romania Traian Basescu by letter to appoint the Liberal defense minister Teodor Melescanu an interim minister of justice, as the government announced yesterday. The President appreciated the PM's idea and he signed the decree to appoint Teodor Melescanu, Presidency announced.
But Liberal sources claim the PNL (National Liberal Party) is still supporting...   (37 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
Basescu's record is unreachable
Dorin Dobrincu, a head of the National Archives in Romania, claims the institution he heads does not own President Traian Basescu's record as member of the Romanian Communist Party.
Mugur Ciuvica, a president of the Group for Political Investigations, mentioned two days ago that the Romanian President's record had vanished. And therefore the National Archives official invited Mugur Ciuvica to pay a visit to the institution and search the documents...   (36 afisari)
World Bank: Romanian economy is vulnerable
According to Hans Timmer, a main World Bank economist, the vulnerabilities of Romanian economy are greater than those of other developing countries. One reason for it, he argued, is the high current account deficit.
The WB official developed upon it during the release of the "2008 Global Economic Prospects" and he related it to the US financial crisis. Timmer pointed that the current account deficit might deteriorate even more....   (41 afisari)
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