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  Nr. 4132 de marti, 15 ianuarie 2008 
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Point eyed, but not touched
The Superior Council of Magistracy is right to take action in the Nastasiu case, actually in the mysterious 'teacher' case. The 'teacher' is someone insistently mentioned in the stenograms of the strange talks between a state prosecutor and the no. 1 terrorist in Romania. While a great number of politicians and most of the press are insistently dealing with the endless scandal emerging because of President Basescu's refusal to appoint Norica Nicolai a minister,...   (29 afisari)
DNA is reason for dispute over new justice minister
2008 is a true test for the Romanian Ministry of Justice and the team to rule over it. It is so because the safeguard clause may be applied on Romanian Justice if the results of the Justice reform and the fight against corruption are unsatisfying to the EU officials. Right now the dispute between Romanian Presidency and government is jeopardizing the ability to meet some main EU requirements. Moreover, this overt conflict is intensifying...   (36 afisari)
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Pages missing from Monica Macovei's portfolio
The Prosecutor's Office released yesterday afternoon the portfolio of Monica Macovei, formerly Romania's Justice minister. From the document there are missing those pages on the warrants with the RSR (the Socialist Republic of Romania) superscription signed while blank and the 'taxi driver story' as well.
The press reported on these events in the life of Monica Monica, an employee of the RSR, several times. Although the ex Justice...   (34 afisari)
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Ciuvica counts Romanian President's mistakes
According to the GIP (Group for Political Investigations), the President of Romania Traian Basescu shouldn't have accepted to be appointed a minister of transport in 1991 and in 1996, had he used on himself the profession criteria he is now using on Norica Nicolai, the Liberal candidate recommended to become a minister of Justice.
In a press release written yesterday, the GIP president Mugur Ciuvica claims that in May 1989, Traian...   (36 afisari)
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Government likely to address Constitutional Court against President's decision
The Romanian government intends to address the Constitutional Court against President Traian Basescu's decision not to appoint Norica Nicolai a minister of justice, but a final decision on it is to be reached after the Romanian Liberals' officials analyze the matter.
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu talked to the Liberal candidate yesterday again and a few hours later he invited the Cabinet...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President dismisses 16-year old mother
The 16-year old mother of 2 children in the village of Movileni, Romania, was so desperate that she addressed the President of Romania Traian Basescu to help her get her husband out of prison, convicted because of having had sexual intercourse with his future wife, at that time aged 14.
The couple has got 2 children, but now only the mother takes care of them. "I can't live without him, I can't support my children, please acquit...   (40 afisari)
PSD insists for pension raise
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) intends to impose on the Romanian government a law on pensions to be raised every three months, in keeping with the inflation rate. This set of electoral alms the party is launching will put more pressure on the ruling Cabinet, as there already are clues that to finance the pension raise is growing more and more difficult.
Both the transport minister Ludovic Orban and the finance minister Varujan Vosganian have...   (24 afisari)
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