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  Nr. 4131 de luni, 14 ianuarie 2008 
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The terrorist bomb
The scandal emerging because of the stenograms of talks between a prosecutor and a terrorist can turn into a Romanian Watergate. This is the main exam for our democracy. If so, Romania has got a chance to pass on to a new epoch. If not, a virtual main exam will turn into a mess and look like affairs such as "Cigarette 1", "Cigarette 2", "Cigarette 3" and so on. Why miss the chance to analyze the system thoroughly? Why wouldn't Romanian society have the privilege to...   (37 afisari)
President and PM met, but didn't agree on justice minister
-- The meeting between the President of Romania Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu took place, but it was fruitless, for both officials were firm. After the meeting the PM told Liberal senator Norica Nicolai that the National Liberal Party would continue to support her to take over the Romanian Ministry of Justice.
Last Saturday it was the first time after more than two years when President Basescu and PM Tariceanu talked...   (31 afisari)
NATO to reach important decisions during Bucharest summit
-- The NATO enlargement, Afghanistan, Kosovo and France's comeback to the integrated military structure are just some of the main issues to be approached during the NATO summit in Bucharest, according to Mediafax Agency. Croatia, Macedonia and Albania aspire to become NATO members and they are standing much chance to become eligible during the Bucharest summit.
In the declaration published in November 2006 after the summit in Riga,...   (73 afisari)
Gloomy predictions for 2008
-- The SAR (Romanian Academic Society) estimates the 2007 negative trends will continue in 2008 and even amplify in both economy and politics.
According to the yearly report for 2008 released yesterday by the SAR, this year will bring few things to enjoy. There is estimated that the ordinary political disputes prevailing in the last 12 months have degraded the quality of the ruling. The SAR opines that some of the future negative effects will consist in a danger...   (33 afisari)
Ludovic Orban and Marian Vanghelie want to rule over Bucharest
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), admitted yesterday that he was thinking about entering the competition on a future mayor to rule Bucharest, but he added the final decision was due after a domestic poll was completed. The Liberal told the Hotnews: "My experience and the way Bucharest looks like make me think I am the right candidate for a general mayor." He added his party colleagues...   (26 afisari)      1 comentariu
LATEST - In Brief
Cristian Tudor Popescu doesn't head Gandul daily any more
-- Journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu, a president of the Romanian Press Club, announced yesterday that he was resigning as editor-in-chief of Gandul daily. Still he added we would continue to work for this newspaper as senior editor.
The journalist told Mediafax: "After some talks with Mr. Sarbu, the main shareowner, who thinks the newspaper's editorial policy isn't meeting the investments made to rebrand the publication,...   (34 afisari)      2 comentarii
LATESTB - In Brief
Ukraine to open museum on Snakes Island
For this year's budget Kiev officials settled funds for accomplishing the harbor area in Insula Serpilor (Snakes Island). Both Romania and Ukraine are expressing claim to rights over this property and the International Court of Justice in Hague is in charge of the trial.
Ukrainian officials also settled funds for opening a museum of natural sciences on the isle, which has got more facilities such as bank, a ship, a post office and more,...   (41 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Bomba terorista (3824 afisari)
 Ionita Valerica a recunoscut de frica (2922 afisari)
 Scamatorii (2271 afisari)
 Lectia unei doamne (1960 afisari)
 Probele lui Basescu (1956 afisari)
 Putin ar putea ateriza saptamana aceasta in Romania (2417 afisari)
 Regina Marii Britanii, la un pas de a fi ucisa de Al-Qaida (1494 afisari)
 Tariceanu a avut o noua discutie cu Norica Nicolai la sediul Guvernului (1350 afisari)
 Fiul lui ben Laden se muta in Marea Britanie (1318 afisari)
 Belgradul a adoptat un plan de actiune in cazul independentei Kosovo (1256 afisari)
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