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  Nr. 4128 de joi, 10 ianuarie 2008 
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Traian Basescu is taking us for fools
To speak about morality when your name is Traian Basescu is like making a living by selling sensual pleasures on city streets and lecturing on Christian morality at the same time.
One more year elapsed and Traian Basescu finds it is time for some tension in a country half covered by snow and with the other half watching TV and rejoicing that God has saved them from such snow and snowstorms. Although they can still feel the smell of stuffed cabbage...   (37 afisari)
Liberals insist for Norica Nicolai
According to the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, there is no legal argument why Liberal senator Norica Nicolai mustn't be appointed a Romanian minister of Justice and he is therefore demanding the President of Romania Traian Basescu to appoint her "as soon as possible". In the letter the PM wrote yesterday to reply to the President's letter, there is mentioned that the head of state may not prefer someone else simply because of his "political and personal...   (28 afisari)
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Swoboda: "Romania's image is deteriorating"
After the Romanian President Traian Basescu's refusal to appoint Liberal Norica Nicolai a minister of Justice, Hannes Swoboda, a vice president of the socialist group in the Parliament of Europe, has commented that Romania's image is deteriorating because of such arguments, just as the lack of a minister is harming the Justice reform. He has told the RFI-Romania that such attitude may give the international community aren't approached...   (36 afisari)
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ECHR as gap to fill
Romania was sentenced in Strasbourg to pay damages of more than 10 million Euro. But instead of recuperating the harm done from the magistrates guilty of it, Romania prefers making citizens pay for it.
In 2000-2007, the European Court of Human Rights sanctioned Romania in 221 cases. The state paid millions of Euro, but without recuperating one penny from the guilty, although the law allowed for it. Moreover, in 2006 the state had to take regress action against...   (23 afisari)
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SIE generals earn billions
The generals enjoying official positions in the SIE (foreign Intelligence Service) earn twice as much as the President of Romania. Silviu Predoiu and Vasilica Sarca, the two generals who ruled over the SIE until Mihai Razvan Ungureanu was appointed a chief, have just released their statements on personal properties. They don't own many cars and houses, but in terms of earnings they top the list of state institutions' employees.
Silviu Predoiu earned...   (37 afisari)
Parliament to reopen Hayssam case
The Parliament of Romania is going to tackle again the circumstances under which Omar Hayssam left Romania. Corneliu Vadim Tudor, a leader of the PRM ("greater Romania" Party) has asked that a committee should be established to decide whether Omar Hayssam fled with help from Traian Basescu or other Romanian of Foreign institution or not.
Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has also announced intention to demand that...   (30 afisari)
Local elections are up to PSD and PNL
According to the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana, his party has got no intention to postpone local elections, but party sources claim a final decision hasn't been reached yet. Wishing to do away with allegations, the PSD official has mentioned that the issue hasn't been tackled with the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu yet. Still he has argued that to hold the two elections the same day would save up some funds and...   (18 afisari)
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