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  Nr. 4125 de luni, 7 ianuarie 2008 
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The new class struggle
The hatred of oligarchs is the most powerful resentment in both the Romanian press and society. Some journalists and citizens are surprised that rich politicians (who are not that many) buy and sell lands, houses, villas, palaces, residential quarters, shares, companies, jewels, luxurious cars, yachts, planes and so on. It also surprises them that the rich take up politics or they spread their influence on press, local communities and parties. The resentment for...   (35 afisari)      1 comentariu
LATEST - In Brief
President arbitrates meeting between government and unions
The President of Romania Traian Basescu is to arbitrate today's talks between the Romanian government's representatives and the leaders of 6 large union confederations. The 2008 budget is the issue at stake because unionists are dissatisfied that their amendments weren't taken into account. It is anyway unclear how their objections can still be considered, since the head of state already promulgated the budget law in...   (24 afisari)
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Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs starts badly
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has started its 2008 activity just like usually: without responding to incidents with Romanians as victims. Although in the very first days of 2008 the mass media reported on Chishinau authorities' decision to expel 4 priests and 1 nun of the Metropolitan Church of Basarabia from the Moldovan Republic because the 5 clergy lacked legal documents allowing for their residence in the Moldovan...   (36 afisari)      1 comentariu
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Schools open despite snowfalls
Despite the persisting cold and massive snowfalls, the Romanian education minister Cristian Adomnitei recommends that all schools in the country should open for courses today. Still education inspectors may decide to postpone the school opening under difficult weather circumstances, on condition that the losses should be recuperated.
Mihaela Suciu, a spokeswoman for the Romanian Ministry of Education, announced for the time being there is no reason...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
DIICOT is precarious institution
-- ZIUA provides you with one more analysis of the Prosecutor's Office in Romania where prosecutors reach the top of the hierarchy on criteria that turn them into potential puppets, also due to the Romanian general attorney Laura Codruta Kovesi.
There are 54 prosecutors working for the DIICOT (Department to Counter International Organized Criminality and Terrorism) who wanted to promote by breaking the law. They made use of the fact that they were...   (134 afisari)
Communication market to reach 6 billion Euro
The Romanian communication market can reach as high as 6 billion Euro in 2008, according to recent estimations by Dan Cristian Georgescu, a president of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology. (...)
As far as the mobile phone communication is concerned, its penetration rate is likely to reach over 100% in the early 2008, for from 80,7% in December 2006 it grew to 90,5% in June 2007. The...   (17 afisari)
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