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  Nr. 4121 de vineri, 28 decembrie 2007 
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Benazir Bhutto's Gamble
-- As the initial shock of the terrorist attacks against Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto fade, it is becoming clear that they were a political boon for her, triggering a wave of public sympathy that extends well beyond her local Sindh stronghold. Yet despite this, Bhutto is finding it hard to convert this changed public mood into increased political support.
Bhutto, the head of the Pakistan People's Party, needs all the support she can find after returning...   (29 afisari)      1 comentariu
ATLE: PSD is first
The fact that the newly made PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) lacks notoriety is an advantage to the party headed by Mircea Geoana. According to the opinion poll released yesterday by the ATLE, the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) tops the Romanian electorate's preferences. According to the outcome, the president of the PSD is rated as one of the best politicians in 2007 and many of Romanians questioned opine he will be a PM in 2008.
According to Social-Democrat...   (24 afisari)
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It is more difficult in the EU
-- More than a half of Romanians think that 2007, the year when Romania joined the EU, was more difficult than 2006. 17% claim the opposite and 17,1% can feel no significant difference in terms of daily life satisfaction in 2007, as compared to 2006.
According to the ATLE opinion poll, most Romanians opine that things are heading the wrong way in the country, whereas 38% go for the opposite.
The pollsters concludes that the 2008 public agenda shows...   (20 afisari)
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President Basescu sacks DNA official
The President of Romania Traian Basescu signed a decree yesterday to sack Camelia Sutiman, a deputy chief of the Department to Counter Corruption in the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department).
The press release from Romanian Presidency does no mention the reasons for such a decision. A ZIUA report had disclosed that prosecutor Suliman had muffled a case that could have incriminated this her, concerning some 2000 transactions by Traian...   (27 afisari)
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Full of tourists
Almost all the rooms in the hotels in Poiana Brasov resort have been booked and very few are still available till the end of January 2008, according to Rompres.
Starting with January 4 there are to arrive tourists from Russia, Ukraine and the Moldovan Republic for their Christmas and New Year's Eve. Groups of tourisms from more states are to get to Poiana Brasov for skiiing. (...) (C.S.)   (18 afisari)
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