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  Nr. 4106 de sambata, 8 decembrie 2007 
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-- President Vladimir Putin turned Russia' parliamentary election into a referendum on himself - and won by a landslide. But, while he refuses to spell out his plans for remaining in power once his second term expires next spring, his economic policy is clear.
The strangest thing about the Duma election was that Putin lost his nerve. He over-exposed himself in public appearances that were as aggressive as they were vague in substance. He ran against the West and the "chaos"...   (29 afisari)
Serbia, small nations' bad luck
In the early 21st century, things are again hot in the Balkans, just as they were in the early 20th century. Russia is sending the military fleet to the Mediterranean, the NATO is announcing it is ready to send more troops to Kosovo. The US-EU-Russia trio for Kosovo is forwarding the report 3 days before due so that those who will get it will have time to ruminate in the weekend. Russia is getting ready to annul the effects of the Treaty on the Conventional...   (39 afisari)
US imposes solutions for Kosovo the Nazi way
His Royal Highness Prince Alexander II of Serbia and Yugoslavia, a grandson of Queen Mary of Romania, together with Her Royal Highness Princess Ecaterina visited the Romanian Royal Family in November 4-7. Prince Alexander was kind enough to give us an interview in the last day of his visit, recounting life in exile, the return to his ancestors' palace in Belgrade after almost 60 years, his country's future and his relations with the Romanian Royal...   (40 afisari)
Complicity and blackmail
The President of Romania Traian Basescu is assailing the Tariceanu Cabinet again and he is also targeting the APD (Pro Democracy Association). Before setting out for Lisbon's EU-Africa reunion yesterday evening, he uncovered one more unconstitutional trifle in the uninominal vote law the government had taken responsibility for, concluding that the APD and the Cabinet had collaborated for cheating on Romanians.
The head of state criticized the project authored...   (29 afisari)
Some more time for ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu
-- The Romanian general attorney Laura Codruta Kovesi announced yesterday the decision to deny the solution that charges should be pressed against the ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu in the criminal case concerning the coal miners' attacks in 1990. The general attorney mentioned this case was strictly on the events occurred in June 13, 1990.
The decision to open criminal investigations against the ex President had been reached in June...   (29 afisari)
PRM wants Funar dismissed
Gheorghe Funar, a senator representing the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), announced that next week there would follow initiatives meant to dismiss the President of Romania Traian Basescu, accused of high treason. The PRM is going to summon both Parliament Chambers to common session.
According to the PRM senator, the reasons for such an initiative are related to the action taken by the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and by Hungary too,...   (30 afisari)
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