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  Nr. 4104 de joi, 6 decembrie 2007 
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Presidential party is up Mircea Geoana
-- At least there has been one leader of the PD (Democrat Party) to admit it in the open that the new group to be made when the PD and the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party) join each other is a presidential party. Such a decision to give up rhetoric is benefic, for it is more honest to call things by their own names.
Yesterday I was arguing that, if the presidential party defined itself overtly as a right, conservative, people's party, it would stand all...   (27 afisari)
Democrats reticent to new party's name
Theoretically, in their talks with the representatives of the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party), the members of the PD (Democrat Party) may do away with the Liberal party label. But there is little time left for it, since the process preceding the two parties' fusion must be over by the end of the year. But the Liberal-Democrats voted for the new name, the PDL (Democrat Liberal Party), as Theodor Stolojan persuaded them into thinking the unification would...   (22 afisari)
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Italian decree on expulsion of citizens may be abrogated
The Italian decree on the expulsion of EU citizens from the Italian territory may be abrogated. It was Clemente Mastella, the Italian Justice minister and also the initiator of the decree, who said it during the "Panorama del giorno" TV show, quoted by the "Il Giornale" daily. "We better leave the expulsion decree fall", the Italian official commented. (...)
The Prodi Cabinet knows there is need for support from the opposition...   (22 afisari)
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Criminal heads Ministry of Culture
-- Romania's culture minister Adrian Iorgulescu is being investigated by the National Anti-Corruption Department because of the "bonus for pickles" affair with 22 billion ROL from the budget wasted.
The information ZIUA unveiled, concerning the purchase with no public auction of 10,000 cultural packages allegedly meant for the diplomacy staff in the EU, has made prosecutors' inquiry progress, for authorities have already asked the Court of Accounts...   (22 afisari)
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Mihai Razvan Ungureanu appointed SIE chief
-- Yesterday the Romanian MPs validated Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu as new chief of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Department in Romania), due to 295 favorable polls.
The newly appointed official would give no details about his plans and possible changes in the institution.
He commented: "Give me some time first to see about things. We will see where to start from. Anyway, like I said in yesterday's hearing, it is important that Romania should...   (25 afisari)
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PM Tariceanu lobbies for Romanian workers in London
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu paid a 1-day visit to London and yesterday he lobbied for Romanian workers in front of the British Parliament. According to sources from Romania's delegation, the PM emphasized how important it was to relax restrictions against Romanians on the British labor force market.
The Romanian official talked about authorities' efforts to accomplish the Justice reform and counter corruption.
In...   (25 afisari)
Laszlo Tokes talked to President Basescu
In his meeting with the President of Romania Traian Basescu yesterday, the MEP Laszlo Tokes managed to get the President's support so that he would join the EPP group.
According to Laszlo Tokes, the Romanian President mentioned a complicated situation because some Democrats MEPs from Romania, members of the EPP group, were against Laszlo Tokes's entry to the group.
The MEP mentioned: "Mr. President told me it was not about a general...   (29 afisari)
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