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  Nr. 4101 de luni, 3 decembrie 2007 
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Basescu's failed referendum and the low interest of the voters for the Euro-parliamentary elections are the direct consequences of the vote of censure the electorate has given to the autochthonous political actors. These political actors, both individual and collective, perform in a lowest quality soap opera. Although many people like telenovelas, "manele" (music style from the Balkans, mainly derived from Turkish, Greek, Arab or Serbian love songs;...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Movie breaks off
-- Romania was on top in the cinema movie production 6-7 years ago. Now, because of the passivity of authorities, we run the risk to disappear from the world cinematography landscape
"Cold Mountain" by Anthony Minghella, "Youth-deprived Youth" by Francis Ford Coppola, "Amen" by Costa-Gavras have brought Romania to the attention of the whole planet. Such events might become just memories, unless our authorities take urgent measures to attract film production. The...   (15 afisari)
Basescu, the referendum - a major failure
-- The head of State assumes the referendum outcome. The leader at Cotroceni Palace counts on a Democrat (Democrat Party - PD) - Social Democrat (Social Democrat Party - PSD) collaboration of the implementation of the uninominal voting system
President Basescu has characterized the referendum, in a BBC interview, as a major personal failure. The head of State has mainly referred to the reduced participation and the fact that the electorate didn't...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Analyses inside the Social-Democrat Party
The Social Democrats (Ro. PSD) might decide today whether they would force the Liberals' hand to come to power. Also, they will analyze, at the Executive Committee meeting, the result obtained in the Euro-elections. Information circulated all along last week about a possible sanction for the branch leaders with a weak score in the voting or about pushing to the organization of an extraordinary Congress of the party due to the unsatisfying...   (21 afisari)
Voronin continues his attacks against Romania
The president of the Republic of Moldova, communist Vladimir Voronin, continues the series of media attacks against Romania. The most recent attack the leader in Chishinau had during an interview realized in Russian was last Friday, while the Embassy of Romania in Chishinau was giving a reception on the occasion of Romania's National Day anniversary.
Voronin referred to president Traian Basescu's recent statements on a possible...   (29 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Venezuelenii au respins prin referendum reformele lui Hugo Chavez (805 afisari)
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