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  Nr. 4096 de luni, 26 noiembrie 2007 
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The mistakes
Why were there wasted 20 million Euro on a pointless referendum? Why did every possible Romanian, starting with the newly born, have to give 1 Euro for a lost battle? Why did they waste more millions from every Romanian on shameless propaganda, lawful or lawless, official or masked, such as performed by Traian Basescu and meant to ask people for opinion, although uselessly? Citizens have got the right to know how come the President was on TV as often as he pleased and on...   (38 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Euro-election results in exit poll
According to the exit poll yesterday at 9:00 p.m., the results of the election of MEPs held yesterday in Romania look as follows: 31,5% for the Democrat Party, 21,1% for the Social-Democrat Party and 15,6% for the National Liberal Party.
As for the remaining political parties, figures go as follows: 6,9% for the Liberal-Democrat Party, 6,2% for the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania, 4,6% for the New Generation Party, 3,7% for independent...   (34 afisari)
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Few Romanians went voting yesterday
According to the Central Electoral Office, only 19,61% of the Romanians having the right to vote reached polling stations to vote in the election of MEPs yesterday till 4:00 p.m. There were only 16,12% Romanian city inhabitants who voted. As for the inhabitants of rural Romania, the number reached 24,45%.
There were only 13,85% of the Bucharest inhabitants to vote yesterday.
As for the most diligent Romanians, for the time being things...   (29 afisari)
Basescu splits PSD
The President of Romania Traian Basescu has managed to split the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). It was confirmed yesterday once with the election of MEPs and the referendum on the uninominal vote system: Ion Iliescu, Adrian Nastase and Sorin Oprescu wouldn't attend the referendum on the Presidency project, whereas the PSD president Mircea Geoana and his allies stood by the President of Romania. The latter has even managed to split the PSD group in Cluj in sides: Ioan Rus...   (28 afisari)
Election in Diaspora
According to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the election of MEPs and the national referendum on the uninominal vote system were officially over yesterday in the polling stations in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne at 12: 00 p.m. and in Brisbane at 1:00 p.m.
Both processes were also over in Wellington, New Zealand, at 10: 00 a.m. The Romanians in New Zealand were the first to vote in the polling station established in Wellington.
The last polling stations...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian PM: I didn't vote in a useless referendum
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, also a president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), voted yesterday in the election of MEPs, but not in the referendum on the uninominal vote system. He explained: "I voted thinking about what counts for Romania most right now: to send the best representatives to the Parliament of Europe so that they can protect our interests. As for the referendum, I did what was to be done: I proposed...   (26 afisari)
Iliescu: Offer for PSD to be analyzed
A possible offer for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) to reach the government can be analyzed. The opinion was expressed by Ion Iliescu, an honorary president of the PSD, yesterday morning when he was going out of the polling station.
When asked if he was for the PSD's ascent to the governing level, the ex President of Romanian answered he was rather for the PSD's support in the Parliament. Still he claimed the idea couldn't be dismissed...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Proof of Basescu's 3 state-owned villas
ZIUA provides you with the proof showing that the President of Romania Traian Basecu had 3 state-owned, luxurious houses at the same time.
The proof emerged when the President's family bought a piece of land in Aleea Privighetorilor, Bucharest, next to a property of Costel Casuneanu, the 'king of asphalt'. Traian and Maria Basescu had to state their properties in front of the notary in October 14, 2002. Traian lived in the villa in 4...   (37 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 A murit actorul Radu Panamarenco (2004 afisari)
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 BEC: PD- 28,78%, PSD - 23,14%, PNL - 13,45% (1588 afisari)
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