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  Nr. 4094 de vineri, 23 noiembrie 2007 
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Victory and failure
Even if the Euro-elections lack direct effects on the great political confrontations to emerge once with the local and parliamentary elections, they still give some important clues, first of all of psychological nature. As seen, Romania's population obeys the "give it all to the winner" principle. It means a party winning a competition, no matter the type of competition, has got a call for scoring extra points later. This is why, although they had barely won elections,...   (38 afisari)
PM criticizes "kings of asphalt"
The "kings of asphalt" protected by Cotroceni Palace monopolize all the building works in Bucharest and this is why traffic gets at a standstill. This is what the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu claimed yesterday, assailing the Romanian President Traian Basescu and the Democrat mayor of Bucharest, Adriean Videanu, one more time. The PM said it at the opening of the second car passage in Baneasa quarter.
The owners of come companies working to rebuild...   (36 afisari)
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Vitiated scrutiny
-- The results of Sunday's election are very likely to be erroneous. In the NET Consulting system there are severe deficiencies allowing for manipulation to be interpreted as computer mistake.
It was the very Permanent Electoral Authority, the institution in charge of supervising the poll system between two elections, who pointed to the risk. More exactly, errors may occur during the scanning of the written statements coming from 17,560 polling stations and during...   (28 afisari)
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President to appoint SIE chief next Monday
-- The President of Romania is to announce his choice for a new chief to rule the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) next Monday, one day after the Euro-election and the referendum take place. Although he has already decided, the President wouldn't give the name of the person to take the seat still empty after Claudiu Saftoiu's resignation.
The media has been insistently rumoring the name of Liberal Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, formerly Romania's...   (34 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Drugs kill more Romanians
-- 25 Romanians died last year because of taking drugs. The figure is something to worry about, as in 2005 there had been only 6 Romanians to die of drug abuse.
According to the third National Report on drugs in Romania, authored by the National Agency against Drugs, 21 of these 25 persons died because of the drug's direct action in the body and the other 4 deaths were an indirect effect of drug consume.
In the Report there is mentioned that the number...   (30 afisari)
President reproaches government for "embarrassing trick"
The President of Romania Traian Basescu reproached the government yesterday for having included unconstitutional points in the uninominal vote law project deliberately. The head of state mentioned the existence of the extra national lists to be posted in polling stations, which he described as unconstitutional. He argued: "One can't vote for people whose names are written on the walls. It is a trap. They wanted someone...   (30 afisari)
How much are the Euro-deputies?
According to the leaders of the PIN (National Initiative Party), Romania's 35 representatives to the Parliament of Europe would spend more than 82 million Euro in 5 years. The party demanded that each such Euro-deputy should provide "a public report" at the end of mandate. The party officials claimed yesterday that none of the 35 Euro-deputies had delivered such a report that far.
The PIN also announced intention to elaborate a legislative...   (30 afisari)
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