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  Nr. 4092 de miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2007 
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The electoral bleeding
Never before in Romania's history has there been such a great number of citizens, actually millions, to leave the country and settle, most of them, in EU states so that they can work and get a new life. Or in other cases, to beg in streets and steal. We don't know whether this dramatic movement is reversible or not. Will they return? How many of them will return?
I am now focusing on the foreign dimensions of Romanians' exodus and on the domestic effects of...   (35 afisari)
Most Powerful Romanians Top released
"Banii nostri" (Our Money) review released a top of the most powerful businessmen and most influential people in Romania. President Traian Basescu is top of the list. Dinu Patriciu is no. 1 in the businessmen category and Sorin Ovidiu Vantu is rated as the most influential Romanian.
"The 66 Most Powerful Romanians" yearly is structured in 3 categories: the 22 most powerful people in terms of power to decide, the 22 most powerful businessmen in Romania...   (41 afisari)
The Stability Pact is taking new paths
-- Erhard Busek, a Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Erhard Busek interviewed for ZIUA exclusively
Rep.: What is the present status and what are the main achievements of the Stability Pact?
E.B.: The Stability Pact is transforming. After 8 years of work, the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe is transferring its activities to a more regionally owned organisation, the Regional Co-operation Council (RCC). The RCC...   (50 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Business with Presidency
One branch of the Net Consulting, the company providing the soft equipment for Sunday's election of MEPs, got some hundreds of millions ROL from Presidency Administration.
The Scop Computers belongs to Dragos Stan and Alexandru Visan, both of them owners of the Net Consulting. The former company had a contract with Presidency in 2007 on providing devices to be used to xerox copy papers. The contract is not on large funds, but it proves this IT company...   (36 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Parliament to revise Criminal Procedure Code
The President of Romania Traian Basescu announced yesterday that he was demanding the Parliament to revise the modifications on the Criminal Procedure Code. He reproached the MPs for modifying the law draft so that public interest would follow after the interests of possible criminals.
According to the head of state, the MPs intended to release a law to protect their political clientele. The President argued that, had he promulgated...   (39 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Nuzarbayev in Bucharest
-- The Kazah President Nursultan Nuzarbayev is to arrive to Bucharest today for a visit part of his tour in the region.
The Astana leader is to attend the launch of the Romanian version of his book "In the Heart of Eurasia", with a foreword written by journalist Sorin Rosca Stanescu. (A.M.L.)   (35 afisari)
Economy minister: 2008 will be the year of energy privatization
According to the Romanian economy minister Varujan Vosganian, 2008 will be the year of privatization in energy. Yesterday he argued: "2007 was the year of the energy strategy, of the energy market's development and modernization. 2008 must be the year of privatization."
The Romanian government passed last September the national energy strategy for 2007-2020, settling investments of about 35 billion Euro in the...   (26 afisari)
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