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  Nr. 4089 de sambata, 17 noiembrie 2007 
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Lesson on how to take Romania in
Once upon a time there was a Mr. Haralambescu who lived in the outskirts of a remote burgh. Once an old man, the pickpocket who had spent a considerable time in prison both before and after the war was now a teacher teaching some young lads aspiring to a good, but workless life how to steal. In his lessons he would use a mannequin taken from a tailor's workhouse and dressed in a costume with bells round the pockets. Mr. Haralambescu's stick would firmly...   (41 afisari)
Advice from Lord Giddens: Refreshing the creativity of 'old Europe'
-- Lord Anthony Giddens, the 'guru' of ex PM Tony Blair, has been kind enough to share with us his thoughts about the Romanian society and mention some key points that need action.
A most influential sociologist, Lord Anthony Giddens is the author or editor of over 40 academic best sellers. Due to him "the third way" concept is now widely used in politics as an idea very influential on the social-democratic parties in the...   (170 afisari)
Ex allies rise against President Basescu
-- Claudiu Saftoiu, formerly an adviser of the President of Romanian Ion Iliescu, together with Dan Voiculescu, a leader of the PC (Conservative Party), expressed rough accusations against the President yesterday, mainly claiming the latter did not pursue the reform of institutions, but just to score some points for his credibility.
Claudiu Saftoiu argued the President had preferred his resignation to the reformation of the intelligence...   (30 afisari)
Social-Democrats react to Taubman-Olteanu duel
-- The leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) don't share opinion on the US ambassador's recent criticism of the modifications on the Criminal Procedure Code.
The PSD president Mircea Geoana is dissatisfied with the aggressive comments made by Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, speaker for the Chamber of Deputies. The PSD official thinks the latter dropped a brick when telling the US ambassador Nicholas Taubman that it was Romanians who...   (35 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Exodus from Italy
Since early this week thousands of Romanians have been crossing the border between Italy and Austria by overloaded cars, like in some exodus emerging because of Italian authorities' toughening measures to counter criminality.
Since there is no longer a marked border between Austria and Italy, as both countries are part of the Schengen space, the Italian Police is checking on Romanian cars in particular and in some cases on Ukrainian cars at the point where...   (41 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
5 Romanians devastate bar in Italy
-- An Italian television station broadcast two days ago some images showing 5 young Romanians devastating a bar in Paderno Dugnano, the province of Milan. The Italian journalists working for Italia Uno described them as "Wild West scenes".
According to the bar tender, the Romanians wanted to kill him, his employees and the customers too. He also opined there was need to react against such violence accordingly. The 5 aggressors, all of them in their...   (34 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Originea tiganilor, teorii contradictorii (7716 afisari)
 Asasinarea lui Kennedy - pista sovietica (5260 afisari)
 Basescu plesnit de fostii aliati (3094 afisari)
 Cinci romani au devastat un bar in Italia (3014 afisari)
 Presedintele uman (2236 afisari)
 Serviciile secrete ne "spioneaza" calculatoarele (680 afisari)
 Ambasadorul Doru Costea: Etnia roma, discriminata in Romania (362 afisari)
 Regizorul Bernando Bertolucci a semnat un manifest in apararea romanilor (332 afisari)
 Ploi din plin si vant puternic (272 afisari)
 Basescu ataca dur "o anumita parte" a clasei politice (256 afisari)
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