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  Nr. 4085 de marti, 13 noiembrie 2007 
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God doesn't beat people with sticks!
Fate is sure to be ironical, since foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu is being insistently asked to resign, not because of his unbelievable incompetence, but simply because he uttered some uninspired words, interpreted as racist. It is the same minister who made a complete fool oh himself in a TV show last year, just to express his "political correctness" very clearly. He took the risk to be unfair with the character he had chosen to "defend" and with...   (34 afisari)
Romanian government's criticism of Italian ordinance is soft
The Romanian government's group in charge of the Italian government's ordinance on the expulsion of Romanian citizens from Italy has concluded that the document at stake has got "major deficiencies" as compared to the EU directive, thus allowing for abusive use of the regulation, Mediafax Agency informs.
The group proceeded to consulting with experts from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the Justice Ministry...   (27 afisari)
Foreign minister pleads not guilty of discrimination
Liberal Adrian Cioroianu, Romania's foreign minister, announced in yesterday's meeting of Romanian Liberals' heads that he would write to the CNCD (National Council against Discrimination) to specify that his previous statement on deporting people to the desert had not been discriminating, since it had been "about criminals, not about gypsies". Liberal sources say that, although not asked to, the foreign minister provided some explanations....   (24 afisari)
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More Romanians to be expelled
Leonardo Muraro, a president of the Treviso province in northeastern Italy, announced that 40 Romanian citizens would be expelled on grounds of the decree allowing for the repatriation of EU citizens for public security reasons. He mentioned: "There are some 30-40 people on this black list. It is about dangerous individuals who must be driven away from our communities as soon as possible."
Romanian stabbed in Rome
A Romanian immigrant is...   (19 afisari)
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500,000 workers wanted for Romania
-- Romania's deficit of employees is almost 500,000, mainly in fields like constructions, heavy industry and car industry. Romania's economy minister Varujan Vosganian said it yesterday. He argued in a press conference: "Our labor force deficit is almost half a million workers. There is need of more engineers and various workers."
After Romania joined the EU the labor force deficit has been growing because of a rather elderly population and because...   (25 afisari)
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Chirieac case as precedent
Bogdan Chirieac, the foreign affairs analyst working for "Gandul" daily, had to resign from the very newspaper he had founded. But it was actually a public execution by "Evenimentul Zilei" daily, at request from Cotroceni Palace.
The latter daily, part of the Ringier Company, unveiled the journalist at stake had done business with the state via a company he owned shares at. He has also been accused of lobbying for his company in one of his editorials.
In...   (33 afisari)
Fingerprinting of electors under debate
The BEC (Central Electoral Office) analyzed yesterday a possibility such as fingerprinting the electors who would vote in the election for the Parliament of Europe and a decision is now to be reached after the government has expressed view on the idea.
The proposal belongs to Gheorghe Funar, a member of the "Greater Romania" Party, who argued this would be a means to prevent "undemocratic electoral tourism", identify and fetch to the...   (15 afisari)
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