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  Nr. 4084 de luni, 12 noiembrie 2007 
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Two solutions to a problem (a Romanian one, recently turned into an European one)
The shallowness with which the Western officials have treated Romania is at the origin of the current European scandal concerning the Romanians and the Rroma ethnic. The Romanians have cheated on the NATO and EU officials by juggling with the acceding political criteria. Romania couldn't have been taken into consideration as a candidate country unless she met those criteria. One of them referred to the statute...   (47 afisari)
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President believes he is obstructed
President Basescu claims the fact that his access to the media in the campaign for the referendum on the introduction of the uninominal voting system has been blocked through decisions made by the "political oligarchy", given their fear of the modification of the political system.
The head of the State participated yesterday in a PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) electoral meeting, occasion on which he claimed that his right to communicate to...   (19 afisari)
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Gusa's list
-- The names of 23 deputies and three senators are on the complete list of the PM's that have benefited of an allowance for renting an apartment in Bucharest although they had already had real estates in the Capital city.
The 23 deputies are: Nicolae Badalau (PSD - Social-Democrat Party), Dumitru Becsenescu (PD - Democrat Party), Ovidiu Brinzan (PSD), Viorel Constantinescu (PSD), Ioan Dida (PSD), Dragos Dumitriu (PC - Conservative Party), Mircea Ifrim (PRM - Greater...   (34 afisari)
Those who drive us into the corner
-- The power in Rome, which has launched a strong anti-Romanian campaign, due to the gypsy delinquents, crowded with people in tight connections with the Mafia
The Justice minister, Clemente Mastella, witnessed the wedding ceremony of Francesco Campanella, head of the youth organization in his party. Campanella is accused of being the right hand of Mafia godfather Nino Mandala. Mastella asked for the withdrawal of a certain prosecutor from the...   (28 afisari)      1 comentariu
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Chirieac resigned
The manager of "Gandul" daily, Cristian Tudor Popescu, announced yesterday, in a programme on Realitatea TV, that journalist Bogdan Chirieac resigned from all the functions he had held at the publication. Popescu added that all the journalist working with "Gandul" daily would submit to the management a business statement, so as to prevent cases similar to the one journalist Bogdan Chirieac is involved in. Chirieac has been accused of taking advantage of his position...   (36 afisari)
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