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  Nr. 4070 de vineri, 26 octombrie 2007 
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Two ballots in two polling stations
The fact that, at the President's request, the referendum on the uninominal vote is scheduled to take place the very day the election of MEPs is due is disadvantageous to all those involved in these processes: politicians, administration, ordinary people. This simultaneity of two important issues brings no advantage to anyone. It doesn't even favor the "Basescu & Co.", as the latter's only concern is to get direct democracy replace representative democracy.
Unavoidably,...   (16 afisari)
Romania as target
The US President has warned Europe is in urgent needs of a US missile shield to protect its allies, including Bulgaria and Romania, against possible attacks from Iran. In the speech he delivered in the US National Defense University, Bush said by 2015 Teheran was likely to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile able to reach the US and Europe. The US official also mentioned in Washington that such a device could be used for attacks against the US allies within the...   (31 afisari)
MEP pleads for Romanian language
Yesterday the Romanian MEP Roberta Anastase, a member of the EPP-DE group, initiated a debate in the Parliament of Europe on the facilitation of the European visa system for the Moldovan Republic and Georgia citizens. She outlined how important it was to find solutions to the problems emerging because of the treaty signed to facilitate visas between the EU and the Moldovan Republic in particular. The official also pointed to the erroneous reference to the...   (28 afisari)
President Basescu attends PSD reunion
The President of Romania Traian Basescu did something that stunned the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) yesterday: he attended the party's reunion and launch of candidates to run in the elections on MEPs, although the Presidency spokesman had announced he wouldn't attend because of a busy schedule. A few days before President Basescu had attended the launch of candidates from the PD (Democrat Party). As for the Liberal Democrat Party, he had just promised...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ford gives Romania 6 months to limber EU
During the press conference he held yesterday when ending his mandate, Sebastian Vladescu, a state secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Finance, said Ford wanted to start work in Automobile Craiova next spring and therefore the company needed the European Commission's consent by March-April 2008, which Sebastian Vladescu, also a president of the privatization company, described as deadline.
As far as the other competitor, General...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania supports Nabucco
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu told Jozias van Aartsen, the European Commission's coordinator for the Nabucco oil pipeline, that Romania was willing to support this project.
The two officials talked about the cooperation between Romanian authorities and the European coordinator for the implementation of the above-mentioned project. The Romanian President highlighted his country was paying major attention to the project meant to diversify...   (34 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Prostia care ucide (1366 afisari)
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 Ultimele cuvinte ale Printesei Diana (518 afisari)
 Principalul suspect in crima sangeroasa de la Caras Severin, un gardian (483 afisari)
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