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  Nr. 4064 de vineri, 19 octombrie 2007 
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SF movie club
All the authorities such as the Romanian Press Club or the National Council for Visual and Audio Media decided that the movie showing ex minister Remes taking bribe served public interest and didn't even harm our health or the investigations by the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department). Therefore similar productions with a similar message, but with different heroes, will soon be crowding on the small screens of Romanians.
But we missed many Emmys, unfortunately....   (42 afisari)
Humiliated by Voronin's Communists
(...) Bucharest officials put up with the presence of the "Moldovan language" phrase in two agreements between the EU and the Moldovan Republic. Even more, they accepted and admitted the elaboration of these agreements in the same "Moldovan language". During the talks on and the signing of the two EU-Chishinau agreements, Romania chose to include just a complex sentence mentioning the country did not acknowledge and admit the existence of the Moldovan language,...   (26 afisari)
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CNSAS member Mircea Dinescu won't go to jail
According to the members of the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive), their colleague Mircea Dinescu was innocent in his dispute against the representatives of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The latter had accused Mircea Dinescu of unveiling secret information from the record of Antonie Plamadeala and thus breaking the CNSAS status.
But the inquiry by the CNSAS has proved that Mircea Dinescu...   (32 afisari)
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Tulus forever
The second attempt to sack prosecutor Doru Tulus, a head of Department II in the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), failed too. Prosecutors' Department in the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) managed to help him look clean, although the inspectors had reported severe illegalities and problems in his activities.
Yesterday 6 prosecutors voted against the solicitation to revoke prosecutor Doru Tulus, authored by the Romanian Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu....   (30 afisari)
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Surgery was successful, Patriarch died
The jurisdiction commission of the College of Doctors in Romania proved loyal to their colleagues who had performed the surgery on Romania's former Patriarch and therefore yesterday they announced decision that the two doctors were innocent.
This is how the commission defied evidence and used lies already disclosed in independent press reports. The Patriarch's death is not to be blamed on surgeon Ioanel Sinescu and anesthesia expert Dan...   (24 afisari)
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MPs consent to Romania's future ambassadors
The Romanian Parliament's foreign affairs committees consented yesterday to the officials recommended to be appointed ambassadors of Romania in Italy, the US, Bosnia Herzegovina and the Kazahstan Republic.
Razvan Rusu, supposed to become an ambassador to Italy, promised he would do his best to change the Italians' general perception of Romanians.
Adrian Vierita, Romania's future ambassador to the US, is to get a job that has been...   (60 afisari)
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