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  Nr. 4063 de joi, 18 octombrie 2007 
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Four roses and one FSN
The President's golden dream is to destroy the PNL (National Liberal Party), the last obstacle on the way of the great presidential party, recomposed of the two halves the FSN (Front for National Salvation) had split in. The split had targeted the making of two large parties, a left one and a right one, to rule Romania. The idea is that the FSN, a heir of the party mechanisms and especially of the means to get rich by stealing from the state, should be both in power...   (29 afisari)
German tour operators avoid Romania
Wonderful landscapes and attractive sightseeing objectives are the two main reasons why foreign tourists visit Romania. This piece of information is outlined in the research "Romanian Seen through the Eyes of German Tour Operators", released yesterday by the WBF/GTZ, a programme for Romanian-German technical bilateral cooperation developed by collaboration between the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the GTZ. The research is based on data...   (37 afisari)
Ford contract faces problems
The Romanian government is demanding the Parliament so suspend debates on the privatization of Automobile Craiova, a car factory, until the European Commission's investigations are over. The EU claims the state influenced the auction by providing help.
The government decided that Mihai Voicu, a minister for relations with the Parliament, would demand Romanian MPs to postpone the debate on the law draft concerning the privatization of the above-mentioned company...   (30 afisari)
First conclusion on Patriarch's death due today
The College of Doctors in Romania is due to announce today a first conclusion on the surgery that caused the Romanian Patriarch to die. Gheorghe Borcean, a head of the jurisdiction committee in the above-mentioned college, said it yesterday. He explained: "We can now talk to the surgery and anesthesia commissions, since we have got all the points of view on the surgery, expressed by some experts in urology and other experts we have asked for...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Vote machine
The results of the approaching election of MEPs in Romania depend on the one who counts polls. Net Consulting Company is going to be in charge of the operation, due to the deal made with the President of Romania Traian Basescu and the PD (Democrat Party).
This IT company won the auction on the soft needed for the statistic work on the poll due in November 25. Several ZIUA sources claim the Net Consulting will help President Basescu and the PD. This IT connection...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
100 Romanian-origin Roma people to be repatriated from France
About 100 Romanian-origin Roma people, 50 of them children, were evacuated from a camp close to Paris yesterday morning and they are to be sent back to Romania.
The French local authorities explained the measures taken in the camp sheltered in Bessancourt, a locality in northern Paris, were in keeping with "the voluntary repatriation of families to Romania, their native country". On the other hand, the member of...   (18 afisari)
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