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  Nr. 4062 de miercuri, 17 octombrie 2007 
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My friend Calinic
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) has decided that His Holiness Calinic was involved in the political police. I have got no knowledge of the record on this high clergy member, but I intend to analyze it the first time I reach Romania. Providence (or fate) has it that His Holiness Calinic has been one of my friends in Arges for about four years now. His love of literature and writing, of cultural chatting and not last of...   (68 afisari)
Blessed are those whose Securitate records burnt
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decided yesterday that Patriarch Daniel had not collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) because the was no record on his name. Still his name is on the list of high clergy records the ex Securitate burnt during the 1989 Revolution. The 16 records destroyed in December 23, 1989 were never found, as the Foreign Intelligence Service...   (40 afisari)
'Moldovan language' joined EU right by Romania
Before starting our interview I received from Mr. Leonard Orban a brochure, edited in September 2007, actually a second edition of the guide on the main European languages, authored by Bill Fraser who works from the General Department of Translations, the field the Romanian Commissioner is in charge of. So what do readers learn from it? Among the languages listed there we can see that the Moldovan language is placed between Maltese and Norwegian....   (68 afisari)
Pottering: Romania has still got steps to take to fight corruption
Hans Gert Pottering, a president of the Parliament of Europe, opined yesterday in front of the Romanian MPs that the country still had main steps to take in the fight against corruption. Still he estimated the progress of Romanian economy was good due to the reforms in the field. The EU claimed Romanians could be proud of what Romania achieved after the return to democracy. He described the modernization process as a great...   (25 afisari)
TVR journalist accredited to DNA brought tape showing Remes taking bribe
Yesterday the Honorary Council of the CRP (Romanian Press Club) analyzed the case emerging after the TVR (Romanian Public Television) broadcast the recording showing ex minister Decebal Traian Remes taking bribe from another ex minister, Ioan Muresan. It is to be mentioned that the recording was a secret in the inquiry by the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department). All the CRP members agreed that the TVR had been...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Kastner criticizes corruption scandals
Susanne Kastner, a vice president of the German Parliament, opines that the latest corruption scandals in Romania have diminished Europeans' trust in the authorities ruling the country.
The German official mentions that in Germany and the other EU states too such corruption scandals got a 'scandalous' response. She comments distrust in Romanian authorities is growing, both economically and politically. She advises Justice must go on, even...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bran Castle is the world's second most expensive estate
According to Forbes, Bran Castle comes second in the top of the world's most expensive estates and it is estimated to $ 140 million.
It is to be reminded that in late August Adrian Iorgulescu, Romania's minister of culture, said only the court could decide whether the return of property was legal or not, after Romanian deputies had passed the report by the subcommittee for inquiry, claiming the property had not been returned...   (30 afisari)
Foreign investors complain there is no one to hire
Lacking labor force, qualified workers in particular, is an obstacle for the foreign investors investing in Romania. Doina Ciomag, an executive manager of the CIS (Foreign Investors Council), developed upon it in yesterday's press conference.
The official argued that the labor force market needed special attention and she commented that to attract investments in services was more important to economy that to attract some...   (26 afisari)
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