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  Nr. 4061 de marti, 16 octombrie 2007 
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Who is still protecting national interests?
-- As they are now fighting in the petty battle and disclosing information live on TV, while ignoring the basic principles of Justice under the rule of law, our rulers have got no time to consider details as inessential as our national interests.
And significant events are taking place around us in the meantime. They don't seem very spectacular, but they are part of a net. If one is careless or of without knowledge of politics and diplomacy skill,...   (37 afisari)
Commissioner Frattini asks Chishinau officials for explanations
-- The EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini was in Chishinau last Sunday and he asked Moldovan authorities for explanations about why the customs staff had prevented the access of Romanian delegations to the Moldovan Republic territory. The EU official noticed it happened at one single customs point and he mentioned the Moldovan foreign minister had promised to provide him with information on what had happened.
Andrei Stratan,...   (27 afisari)
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Pottering supports efforts to save St. Joseph Cathedral
-- Hans Gert Pottering, a president of the Parliament of Europe, is paying an official visit to Romania. Yesterday while in Bucharest the EU official went to see St. Joseph Cathedral, jeopardized by the skyscraper erected next to it.
He was still in the car when he was amazed with the height of the huge building under construction. He was welcomed by His Holiness Ioan Robu and civil society representatives taking efforts to...   (27 afisari)
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Romanian President wasn't sanctioned
The National Council against Discrimination decided yesterday that the President of Romania had not made statements discriminating the Armenian-origin people. Csaba Asztalos, a president of the Council, explained that in the case there were not enough elements to lead to discrimination.
It is to be reminded that in early September, when leaving the hospital after undergoing a thyroid surgery, the Romanian President told doctor Mircea Ghemigian,...   (21 afisari)
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Stolojan's shield
-- Doru Tulus, the head of Department II in the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), muffled a case in which the friend of the Romanian President Traian Basescu was investigated for fraud of 100 million Euro.
The DNA prosecutors coordinated by Doru Tulus were informed in February 7, 2007 about an emergency ordinance abusively transferring 80 hectares of land in Popesti-Leordeni to one company's property. It was the ex PM Theodor Stolojan who had signed Emergency...   (25 afisari)
No Cabinet members to be sacked
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday that he was not going to sack any Cabinet member, claiming that the leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) voted against the idea in the meeting of the Central Committee, although the PNL vice presidents Crin Antonescu and Norica Nicolai had supported the opposite. (...)
According to sources, the two vice presidents argued for their common view, but without giving names, still...   (20 afisari)
President Basescu sets ultimatum for uninominal vote
The President of Romania Traian Basescu has warned that he will be opening procedures with view to referendum unless the Parliament sends the uninominal vote law for promulgation by Monday. The ultimatum is part of a letter that reached the presidents of both Parliament Chambers and the party heads yesterday.
The President argues: "As most citizens want the uninominal vote system to be used starting with the following...   (31 afisari)
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