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  Nr. 4053 de sambata, 6 octombrie 2007 
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Basescu-Geoana Siamese and PD-PSD clones
The moment Mircea Geoana was elected a president of the party was the most uninspired in the history of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). It is now obvious why Ion Iliescu was so furious that the party would be ruled by such a character. But his warnings were so obstinate that they seemed the mere frustration reflexes of the former Communist regime faced with the young man perceived as a reformist.
Adrian Nastase has in his turn been undermining...   (20 afisari)
Chess, but not mate
The government replaced the obedient members of the presidential commission with magistrates, which is a tough, but not deadly offensive against President Basescu, since he has got the Constitutional right to decide how he pleases.
The ministerial responsibility law was modified so that the Superior Council of Magistracy would appoint the members of the commission who consent to criminal inquiries against ministers. The members are to be appointed in 30 days' time...   (20 afisari)
President Basescu: Abuse of power
The President of Romania Traian Basescu accused the Tariceanu government of abusing power by issuing emergency ordinance to modify the ministerial responsibility law. He claimed the entire government was now "in conflict with Justice". As far as justice minister Tudor Chiuariu is concerned, the President accused him straight, mentioning the ordinance was in his favor.
According to Transparency International-Romania, the existence of the special commission...   (19 afisari)
Total war in PSD
Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), wants to depose all party members opposing him: Ion Iliescu, Adrian Nastase and the group in Cluj, represented by Vasile Puscas. The PSD leader is actually trying to make the failure of the bill against the government serve him and eliminate those top members who may reproach him for the failure in the Parliament or may who want him out in the near future.
Central party leaders have summoned the representatives...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Nuclear Romania
Romanian authorities are thinking about a new nuclear power plant. Several evaluations have been made in the course of time. Yesterday government members together with the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu attended the official opening of the Cernavoda nuclear plant's second reactor, now in commercial use.
PM Tariceanu announced yesterday in Cernavoda that the economy minister was to think about a place where to build a new nuclear plant, after the one in...   (23 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Globalizarea este inevitabila (3244 afisari)
 Confesiunea unui terorist comunist (2515 afisari)
 Siamezii Basescu-Geoana si clonele PD-PSD (2464 afisari)
 Ahmadinejad spune lucruri trasnite (2403 afisari)
 Sah. Nu mat (2050 afisari)
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