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  Nr. 4051 de joi, 4 octombrie 2007 
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Calin Popescu Highlander and a sedative for Basescu
ZIUA spoiled the day of backstage servants. Yesterday before the start of the debate on the bill against the government, the ZIUA director Sorin Rosca Stanescu delivered live on Antena 3 TV station a bomb that exploded straight in the faces of those who had done everything to get power again, of the Front for National Salvation kind. Sorin Rosca Stanescu informed both public opinion and most of the MPs who had no idea about a protocol...   (46 afisari)
Seal of love
Despite the agreement between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PD (Democrat Party) with blessing from Cotroceni Palace, the PSD bill against the government failed yesterday. PSD sources claimed the two parties had made a deal to overthrow the Tariceanu Cabinet. The PSD had asked for written guarantees, President Basescu's included. A document had been signed by the very head of state, granting the PSD with access to a government mostly of PD members, the same sources...   (34 afisari)
EU takes greater interest in the Black Sea
The Parliament of Europe is growing more and more interested in Black Sea matters, which is the effect of Romania's accession to the EU. Today the foreign affairs committee is having a public hearing on Black Sea cooperation. Romanian MEP Roberta Anastase, a rapporteur for cooperation in the Black Sea region, is attending too.
Yesterday Romanian journalists talked to the Polish Euro deputy Jacek Sarysz Wolski, a president of the foreign affairs...   (27 afisari)
Promise: In power in 10 days' time
Yesterday morning Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), asked his MPs to vote for the bill against the government, promising that the PSD would negotiate with the PD (Democrat Party) on a "multiple inspiration" government, party sources say. "The PSD may be in power in 10 days' time", he promised the PSD senators and deputies.
The PSD leader even claimed President Traian Basescu had been on TV to lobby for the...   (29 afisari)
Fate of 'betrayers' decided today
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana and the other party leaders got together last evening to think about what to do with the 'betrayers' who had voted against the bill. In today's meeting of party officials Mircea Geoana is going to ask for sanctions against those who had opposed the government collapse, after pointing to expelling last evening.
But Viorel Hrebenciuc came up with a compromise solution. PSD sources claim...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Gheorghe Popa heads Romanian Police
Gheorghe Popa has become a chief of the Romanian Police. The decision signed by Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu was published in "The Official Monitor" yesterday.
The Romanian interior minister Cristian David appointed Gheorghe Popa a head of the Romanian Police in August 28, after Valentiu Fatuloiu had been appointed a minister-councilor for Romania's diplomatic mission in Washington. (...) (O.R.)   (20 afisari)
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