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  Nr. 4048 de luni, 1 octombrie 2007 
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A liar in Cotroceni Palace
President Traian Basescu made a fool of himself one more time. Let me quote Ion Cristoiu, the well-known Romanian analyst: "The University Square housed a folk music performance featuring Traian Basescu." The head of state couldn't stay away from it and this time too he tried to turn a party of the retired Romanians into a media show with himself as protagonist, at a political time. He took advantage of the hundreds of people there. Among the retired there...   (23 afisari)
President Basescu didn't report to people
The Romanians in the University Square, Bucharest, last Saturday were split in two sides: the adepts of ex President Emil Constantinescu and the supporters of President Traian Basescu. The confrontation was between the members and adepts of the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) and of the AP (Popular Action) on the one hand and the side of the PD (Democrat Party) on the other.
Just as he had promised right after the referendum held in...   (25 afisari)
The President of Romania Traian Basescu was in the University Square, Bucharest, last Saturday. The crowd there was split in two sides: those supporting him and the Democrat Party on the one hand, and the adepts of the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) and of the AP (Popular Action), countering the President, on the other hand.
President Basescu asked the public order forces there to remove the fences so that the crowd opposing him could get closer. His request was...   (20 afisari)
Romanians have got their sixth Patriarch
The ceremony enthroning His Beatitude Daniel, the sixth Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, took place yesterday in the Metropolitan Cathedral, Bucharest. Numerous public personalities, high clergy and many churchgoers were present. In his speech the new Patriarch pleaded for the conservation of the spiritual legacy from his predecessors and for communication and collaboration to intensify the Church's mission in society. Starting with yesterday...   (25 afisari)
DNA has got political preferences
The checks on the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) by the judicial inspection in the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) have charted a true map of the institution's political preferences. It was Tudor Chiuariu, Romania's Justice minister, who concluded it. According to the minister, political influence on prosecutors comes most of the times from the Romanian President rather than from the Justice minister, as the latter is more of a link of the...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanians to protest in Rome
The Party of Romanians in Italy announced yesterday that next Wednesday there would follow demonstrations in front of the City Hall in Rome against the statements made by mayor Walter Veltroni. The president of Romanians' party mentioned: "We are going to ask the mayor to have permanent debates with the representatives of the Romanian community and the city hall authorities."
Late last week the mayor of Rome warned Bucharest authorities that,...   (19 afisari)
BNR governor: Save up RON
Mugur Isarescu, a governor of the BNR (National Bank of Romania), opines that Romanians should save up RON. He doesn't recommend frequent money conversion, given the associated costs. "I have got a piece of advice for you, for as long as I am a governor and afterwards: keep your savings in RON."
As for those who travel abroad wildly, the BNR governor admits savings in currency too. He comments: "I advise you to save up RON. It is best not to play...   (21 afisari)
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