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  Nr. 4043 de marti, 25 septembrie 2007 
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Daily mock and traditional indifference
It was by accident that I witnessed a phone conversation between a teacher working in the capital city of Romania and a student's mother: "How could I give him new textbooks, since we had just a few incomplete sets, which we gave, depending on the children's scores? I know what your child got. I know he got a prize, but his textbooks are used ones, dirty ones, with missing pages. I know all these, but how could I give him new textbooks?"
Apart...   (29 afisari)
Labor minister investigated for bribe
Yesterday the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) asked Presidency for consent to the opening of criminal inquiry against Paul Pacuraru, Romania's labor minister, for bribe accusations.
The minister told the ZIUA journalists that he had no idea why prosecutors were asking for consent to the opening of criminal investigations against him. He said he didn't know what case it was about, adding that he would go to the DNA this morning to ask the...   (19 afisari)
General Stanciu's connection
The documents Mugur Ciuvica, head of the Group for Political Investigations, uncovered had been drawn at the time when Radu Timofte was chief of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service). The link between the latter and Traian Basescu's former colleague in Anvers continued outside the SRI too.
According to the two documents unveiled by Mugur Ciuvica, the SRI is spying on the PNL (National Liberal Party) and on Liberal senator Norica Nicolai. The documents consist...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Presidency informed about inquiry against ex minister Codrut Seres
The Prosecutor's Office informed Romanian Presidency yesterday about the case against Codrut Seres, a former minister of economy and commerce. According to the press release from the Public Ministry, the Prosecutor's Office demands that the President of Romania Traian Basescu should summon the special commission to analyze documents on a crime committed by Codrut Seres while a minister of economy and commerce....   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Adrian Severin in competition for MEP of Year 2007
Adrian Severin, a Romanian representative to the Parliament of Europe, is competing against other outstanding MEPs for the MEP of the Year 2007, a title awarded by a publication as prestigious as the European Voice. The Romanian politician is among the 50 personalities the European Voice jury has declared eligible for awards due to their activity serving the EU. Apart from Romania's representative, the French MEP Alain Lamassoure...   (24 afisari)
PSD bill against government reaches Parliament
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) bill against the government reached the Romanian Parliament yesterday, due to the list of 139 signatures expressing support for this initiative. PSD members Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase signed for it too, although opposing the bill idea. Last Friday Ion Iliescu had mentioned that he would obey the party decision, still expressing hope the bill would fail. As for Adrian Nastase, he put it bluntly...   (19 afisari)
PSD candidate list under controversy
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) finished yesterday the lists of candidates for the Parliament of Europe, topped by Titus Corlatean and Adrian Severin.
Some Social-Democrats got hot because of it. Victor Ponta and Vasile Puscas, the best-rated names, refused to go to Brussels. Victor Ponta, a vice president of the PSD, for a while perceived as Mircea Geoana's opponent for leadership over the party, simply turned down the offer. As for...   (24 afisari)
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