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  Nr. 4042 de luni, 24 septembrie 2007 
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Liberals should be shot down!
For the time being, the Democrat Party (Ro. PD) frankly led by Mr. Traian Basescu, has consumed all forms of attack - let's say, that the times we live in allow - over the Liberals. This war getting more and more acute, with its last political guerrilla fights on the political stage, is not only the PD war for access to resources, but also a mute war against the whole country. It is in vain that the distinguished dissident Doina Cornea has drawn and keeps...   (26 afisari)
POLITICS - In brief
Political police
Ciuvica has come out with two documents that prove that SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) spied on PNL (National Liberal Party) in 2006. The notes are signed by general Vasile Stanciu, a former officer of the communist secret service who had worked with Basescu at Anvers before 1989
The addresses accompany the materials drawn up by the "Group of Evidence within SRI" and they refer to "statements of Liberal Senator Norica Nicolai" and to the "PNL's intention...   (31 afisari)
LATEST - In brief
Radu Stroe, chairman of Parliamentary Committee on the control of the SRI activity
-- I will urgently convoke a Committee meeting
The chairman of Parliamentary Committee on the control of the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) activity, Radu Stroe, asked yesterday SRI to publicly communicate, today, the latest, whether the documents Mugur Ciuvica presented were real. The Senator also announced he would urgently convoke the Committee to debate this case. He added that it would be...   (28 afisari)
POLITICS - In brief
Control of the vote of censure
The vote of censure comes to its last stage, as the Social Democrats are to submit the document to the Parliament today. After it gets on the table of the Permanent Bureaus of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the MPs have a whole week at their disposal to hear the text of the vote of censure and to debate on it in a plenary meeting. Until then, the political parties take up the TV screens with statements and strategies on adopting or rejecting...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In brief
31 per cent of the Romanians support Tariceanu Cabinet
One third of the Romanians (37%) appreciate that the Executive should be dismissed following the debate on the vote of censure in the Parliament, shows a poll carried out by the Social Research Office (Ro. BCS), and released yesterday. According to the data provided by the social survey, 31% of the subjects wished the current cabinet had stayed in function, while 32% of them said they didn't care what would happen with Tariceanu...   (29 afisari)
POLITICS - In brief
Government, to assume responsibility on uninominal
The PNL (National Liberal Party) vice-president Ludovic Orban has announced at the end of this week that the Executive would assume responsibility for the implementation of the uninominal voting system so that president Traian Basescu couldn't "parasitize" the Europarliamentary elections with a referendum on this topic. Orban's statement comes in the context of a presidential threat according to which, a referendum on this topic...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In brief
Technocrat government, last solution
The PSD (Social Democrat Party) vice-president Cristian Diaconescu stated yesterday that the option of a technocrat government might be taken into consideration after the governmental formulas based on a concrete political support in the Parliament exhausted. Asked whether the option of making a technocrat government is agreed by his party, after a possible success of the vote of censure, Diaconescu answered: "Until this situation, of making...   (21 afisari)
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