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  Nr. 4039 de joi, 20 septembrie 2007 
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The DNA or the fake as political police
Those who still doubt that President Basescu would do anything to destroy his political adversaries, whom he takes for enemies, have now got the proof of it. The DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) is used as an instrument for incriminating political adversaries and covering for the protegees. Instead of being the main anti-corruption institution, the DNA is a presidential fake playing Snow White. One strident outcome of such unprecedented...   (30 afisari)
   (18 afisari)
DNA makes the rule
Prosecutor Doru Tulus and his superior Daniel Morar, a head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), abused the Criminal Procedure Code by interpreting it the way they pleased in order to get President Basescu fix Tudor Chiuariu, Romania's Liberal minister of Justice.
The DNA head and prosecutor Doru Tulus, head of Department II in the DNA, were in charge of the case on the Justice minister, although they were incompatible. The Criminal Procedure Code bans...   (22 afisari)
PSD gropes for right way
After 2-day talks, including talks with the head of state, the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) Executive Committee decided yesterday to send the bill against the government to the Parliament on Monday, September 24. And so far this seems to be the only certainty. As for the government to replace the Tariceanu Cabinet, the issue is shrouded in mystery. Politicians are busy meeting in offices and pubs and plotting nonstop fanciful scenarios and hypotheses.
The PSD...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Holy Synod to analyze high clergy's past
Patriarch Daniel met yesterday with Laurentiu Tanase, member of the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive), to talk about the questioning of the high clergy on their relations with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania).
After a 3-hour meeting the two agreed that the checks on the high clergy should be a point on the agenda for the following meeting of the Holy Synod, due in October...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Unusual protests in front of Cotroceni Palace
Yesterday the Romanian Presidency Administration faced the unusual protests of some citizens who wanted to get to talk to the Romanian President Traian Basescu.
Right in front of Cotroceni Palace a 32-year old man poured some gas on his body to set himself on fire because he was likely to be deprived of his flat in Bucharest. His protest came to an end after his father got to talk to Gabriel Piscociu, a presidency adviser for citizen...   (25 afisari)
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