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  Nr. 4037 de marti, 18 septembrie 2007 
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Gold, cyanides and Romania's image in the world
People say lots of silly things when they are desperate. Alan Hill, a general manager of Gabriel Resources and Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, is probably desperate. Last Thursday his company's shares collapsed 44% in the Toronto Stock Exchange, after the Romanian Ministry of Environment had suspended the procedures to authorize the controversial mining project in Maramures, Romania.
The Canadian investor came up with a statement that...   (527 afisari)
Nuclear steps undermine peace
By abandoning many of the nuclear arms agreements negotiated in the last 50 years, the United States has been sending mixed signals to North Korea, Iran, and other nations with the technical knowledge to create nuclear weapons. Currently proposed
agreements with India compound this quagmire and further undermine the global pact for peace represented by the nuclear nonproliferation regime.
At the same time, no significant steps are being taken to reduce...   (24 afisari)
Pension lottery
Romanians under 35 may decide for themselves on how much money they will get after retiring. But the choice depends on both intuition and luck.
The new system of privately administered pensions was launched yesterday and it is compulsory for young employees. Each of them is to subscribe to one of the 14 funds accepted in the system by January 17, 2008. This is optional for those Romanian employees aged between 35 and 45.
Pension funds estimate a yearly growth if 5-7%...   (27 afisari)
Social-Democrats persuade Liberals
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has got a hottest week ahead. The Social-Democrats are to make clear their terms with the government and their domestic difficulties. As far as the bill against the ruling Cabinet is concerned, they are aware they have reached the point of no return. As for the effects of it, no one would answer such a question.
There has been no information about the talks between the PSD and the PNL (National Liberal Party) and both...   (30 afisari)
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BOR to meet with CNSAS
CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) member Laurentiu Tanase is to meet with His Beatitude Daniel, a Patriarch of the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church) on Wednesday and talk about the questioning of the high clergy.
Because several BOR representatives refused to undergo questioning by the CNSAS members, the latter institution assigned Laurentiu Tanase to talk to the Romanian Patriarch about it. The CNSAS official...   (31 afisari)
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Augmented attributions for intelligence officers
Romanian senators are to analyze today the draft on the status of intelligence officers. The Chamber of Deputies passed the law authored by a group of Liberal senators tacitly, but senators' juridical and defense committees amended it substantially, demanding augmented attributions for the employees of the national security system.
The amendment belonging to Social-Democrat Mihai Popescu and senator Ilie Petrescu pleads that...   (32 afisari)
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Collapsing education system
Catalin Croitoru, a leader of the National Education Federation in Romania, warned in the very day the 2007-2008 school year opened: "In Romania there is no strategy for education. There is neither a national programme with clear objectives to make things progress naturally so that the education system will recover step by step. In the last 17 years, every education minister tried to put his 'seal' on education, which thus turned into a character with...   (31 afisari)
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Romanians exploit Romanians
A group of Romanians cheated on and used violence against over 30 other Romanians, after taking them to work in Spain. The aggressed asked the Consulate in Seville for help. The institution got them shelter and provided a bus to take them back to the country.
According to Rador, the 32 Romanians reached Spain in early September and were taken to pick up olives in Bollullos, a locality in Seville, where they were beaten and left without shelter for...   (30 afisari)
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