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  Nr. 4032 de miercuri, 12 septembrie 2007 
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Iliescu strikes back
The layers in the largest party in Romania, the only socialist group, are disturbed. If there is no earthquake coming, then significant changes are to be expected before the countdown for the local and parliamentary elections. The most spectacular evolution of events within the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) may be the deposition of Mircea Geoana, accompanied by a comeback of Ion Iliescu, even if provisory. And, although it is still in shade, we can notice the intensifying...   (21 afisari)
Threat to expel Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase
Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase are under the threat of being expelled from the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) because of their public critique of the bill against the government decided by the PSD leaders, Mircea Geoana included.
The warning has come via the press from Dan Tudorache, a president of the PSD branch in Bucharest district 1, to which the two top politicians mentioned above are affiliated.
Dan Tudorache is the man who asked...   (21 afisari)
Atta's mysterious phone call
The French daily Liberation published in yesterday's edition a classified FBI report on the authors of the attacks in September 11, 2001. The document mentions the 19 hijackers' activities in the last 18 months before the attacks. According to the French journalists, the activities of Mohammed Atta, thought to be the brain behind the attacks, include extremely interesting details. A number registered in Romania was on his phone call list. Atta could have dialed...   (23 afisari)
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New Patriarch's day
This afternoon we are to learn who is the new Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, after an election thought to be more important than the election of Romania's President.
It is the Holy Spirit who inspires the Holy Synod to choose the candidates, first of all. Secondly, the Church is the institution the Romanian national, 87% Orthodox, trusts most. Thirdly, unlike a President, a Patriarch is elected for a lifetime to guide his nation to redemption.
This...   (21 afisari)
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Adrian Nastase up to President Basescu
Daniel Morar, a head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), asked the Romanian President to consent to the opening of criminal inquiry against ex PM Adrian Nastase.
This is the third criminal case against Adrian Nastase that the DNA authors. According to the ex PM's lawyer, Adrian Nastase hasn't been informed so far about the DNA head's request or about the charges in the new case. The lawyer claimed the case had nothing to...   (23 afisari)
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Prosecutors investigate on minister Silaghi
Liberal Ovidiu Silaghi, a Romanian minister for small and medium size enterprises, commerce, tourism and liberal professions, went to the Prosecutor's Office yesterday for questioning.
According to the case in progress, while a head of the Chamber of Commerce in Satu Mate, Ovidiu Silaghi did not carry out a court sentence. The Press Office in the Public Ministry has confirmed prosecutors are working on a case concerning the minister,...   (19 afisari)
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