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  Nr. 4027 de joi, 6 septembrie 2007 
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Hands and trick
Adriean Videanu, the Democrat mayor of Bucharest, is a failure. Bucharest is a real pell mell. The countdown left till elections is fatal to him. He isn't standing the smallest chance to prove by March 2008 that he has accomplished his missions. Traian Basescu, his guru, the man who helped him take over the City Hall and bring his male and female advisers and businessmen along, is even worse now, because he is the one in fact responsible for it. Videanu's tremendous failure...   (20 afisari)
Electoral ecumenism
The President of Romania Traian Basescu seems to be going on with his typical populism in search for the clergy's support. He is taking the third Reunion of Christian Churches taking place in Sibiu, the European City of Culture in 2007, as an opportunity.
Yesterday morning he participated at the prayer preceding the first session of this third European Ecumenical Assembly. The first prayer attended by all the Christians these days in Sibiu had taken place Tuesday evening...   (31 afisari)
Mircea Geoana about to collapse
-- As the Social-Democrats' bill against the government is expected to fail, it is only an extraordinary congress that can save the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader Mircea Geoana.
He is now on the verge of collapsing because of the bill, since his own colleagues are threatening to sack him. The PSD group in Cluj and top members like Ion Iliescu, Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase are denying the PSD leader and therefore he is left on his own to support an initiative...   (24 afisari)
Liberal Tariceanu dismisses Conservative Voiculescu
During yesterday's meeting with Dan Voiculescu, president of the PC (Conservative Party), PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), expressed unwillingness to support the social measures initiated by the Romanian Conservatives. The latter tried to persuade the PM into supporting the legislative projects aimed at a cut on the value added tax for basic food products, facilities for renters and...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President Basescu accused of inappropriate view
Danish MEP Jens Peter Bonde addressed the Parliament of Europe against the President of Romania Traian Basescu, criticizing his idea to hold the national referendum on the uninominal vote system at the same time with the election of MEPs in Romania.
The MEP argues in his letter to the Conference of Presidents in the Parliament of Europe that such a decision may twist the meaning and the progress of the first election of MEPs to...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Vatican message reached European Ecumenical Assembly in Sibiu
Ecumenism is a task set by Jesus Christ, a task reflecting contemporary needs. Cardinal Walter Kasper, a leader of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, delivered this Vatican message to the delegates attending the third European Ecumenical Assembly taking place in Sibiu, Romania. The Vatican representative added that differences between religious cults shaded the light of Jesus Christ to many people,...   (17 afisari)
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Pickpockets' castle
Watch your bags and pockets: while Romanian pickpockets are haunting Europe, Romania has turned into a target for foreign thieves cartels.
According to the Police archive, in 2007 thefts have been more numerous than ever, with hypermarkets as favorite places. The Police managed to catch a gang of Czech pickpockets just because they were too greedy, although it was their first action.
The thieves are informed, given accommodation and taken to the location...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Draft to modify Romanian citizenship law kept secret
The projected emergency ordinance on the modification of the Romanian citizenship law is still total mystery. Although announced by the President of Romania Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu, the draft is kept locked, as if it were Romania's greatest secret.
Despite Law 52/ 2003, the project is still secret. Yesterday we asked Viorica Rosca, a press officer in the Ministry of Justice,...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
World's medical elite in Bucharest
Starting with yesterday Bucharest is housing the 17th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO). The event is taking place under the auspices of the President of Romania Traian Basescu. It has been arranged by the Romanian Section of the IASGO, the Romanian Society of Surgery, the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and more associations.
Professor Irinel Popescu,...   (22 afisari)
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