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  Nr. 4024 de luni, 3 septembrie 2007 
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The Constitution like a boxing ring
No one has dared modify the Constitution substantially because they and their party may at a certain moment take advantage of the flaws not settled or changed just superficially. PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu has taken action aiming at a radical modification of the Constitution. Behind his initiative there are sure to be political reasons related to the wish to kick Traian Basescu out of the political stage and lead the PD (Democrat Party) to the poor...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Sentenced because of abrogated law
It is the obligation of any Romanian to know the laws and obey them or he/ she risks getting legal sanctions. It is magistrates who are the exception to this rule. Although they are found breaking a law many a time, they don't pay for it. Though some may think this is exaggeration, in today's
edition you can read about a case showing that some magistrates don't even read the laws when applying them, still they sentence people to long years...   (24 afisari)
Liberals want Parliament to elect President
Romanian Liberals are now pleading that Romania needs to become a parliamentary republic instead of a half-presidential one. They
claim this regime is wrong because it is unacceptable that a small group of people or one single person should hold all power. The reform of the constitutional system approached by the Democrat Party these was also reloaded by the National Liberal Party last Saturday, during the Summer School of the Liberal...   (25 afisari)
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