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  Nr. 4017 de sambata, 25 august 2007 
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He expressed opinion too early
Traian Basescu made a spectacular comment a few days ago, threatening there would follow reprisals against the Chishinau government. But less than two years ago the heads of state in Bucharest and Chishinau were kissing each other with their sticky lips, like some family relatives. The cellar in Cotroceni Palace is still full of the wine bottles from Voronin, which crossed the border with no fees paid. They were a gentleman's gift for a gentleman. A short...   (23 afisari)
Chishinau discloses evidence
After the Romanian President Traian Basescu had accused Chishinau officials of proceeding to challenges through the secret services, which would not longer be tolerated, "Moldova Suverana", a pro-governmental daily in Chishinau, published yesterday fragments from what seems to be the Moldovan Interior ministry's report on the abuses committed in the release of visas for Romania.
The fragments describe the way travel agencies made use of the special regime...   (26 afisari)
Ungureanu gives up top position on candidate list for election of MEPs
The leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) are thinking about replacing Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, top of the list of candidates for the election of MEPs, either with Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu or with defense minister Teodor Melescanu. It is because the ex foreign minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu has stepped back.
Top PNL sources told the NewsIn yesterday that the ex foreign minister might give...   (23 afisari)
Magyars' talks prove fruitless
Yesterday's talks between the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and the CNMT (National Council of Magyars in Transylvania) concerning a common candidate list for the approaching election of MEPs in Romania proved fruitless. The two sides failed to agree to crucial matters.
One issue of dispute was the UDMR monopoly on the system of administering the funds settled for the Magyars. The CNMT vice president Szilagy Zsolt commented: "We...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bird flu causes scandal
Decebal Traian Remes, Romania's minister of agriculture and rural development, said yesterday that in the Ministry there was no document certifying the bird flu virus had indeed reached Romania. He added this was why the Ministry of Agriculture was waiting for court sentences favorable to all those who had been at a loss because of it, for the Ministry might not proceed to paying damages without documents and medical test bulletins. The minister mentioned:...   (18 afisari)
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